Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Anchors For Reality
Since 2008; Rock, Pop, Hip Hop, Indie, Pop Punk, Post Hardcore, Deathcore, Metal, Country, Retro, Synthwave, Djent
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More providers:
Steve Flynn is an engineer in the Boston area.
Sound Producer providing design, composition and production services to theatre, music, video and art professionals.
I am an indie/alt singer-songwriter out of Los Angeles, CA. I play acoustic guitar and write all of my solo material, as well as play in an acoustic rock band, reminiscent of Led Zeppelin, Fleetwood Mac and The Eagles. I am a session vocalist looking to work in ALL GENRES.
My name is Gabrielknowseverything and I have been writing songs nearly every day for the past 6 years. Despite being an artist, I was brought on to help write music for singer/songwriter Hadar Adora. I specialize in creating powerful song structures that allow the music to be dynamic regardless of any kind of style.
Hi there, my name is Nicolas Michaux. I'm a singer-songwriter, music producer and mixing engineer. Born and bred in Belgium I now divide my time between Brussels, where I work at The Free House studios, and the Danish island of Samsø, where I take care of my daughters and work on music.
Producer/Mixing Engineer with a passion for the audio industry. I was taught under the main sound engineer of a leading production company, who lectures at a registered tertiary institution aswell. I provide a fresh and detailed outlook on projects given to me.
Everyone has a beat that powers them and all of mine do
I'm a vocalist and arranger with a jazz background so singing and arranging BGVs and a capella parts with fresh-sounding harmonies is my specialty.
Recent Successes
"Klaas took my project that sounded good, and turned it into something I can finally call a finished product. Not only are his mixing and mastering skills high quality, but his patience, professionalism, and timely res..."
"Anthony has something special going on ...can't wait to work on some more future records"
"At this point, there's no one else I'd rather work on my music with. No matter what I ask of Ziv, he always NAILS it. Super quick turnaround time too. Thanks again and happy holidays, my friend :)"
"For all 3 of my Gospel Projects, Fred continued to show patience and professionalism. He is truly a great Producer. He took my music to a higher level and left me totally happy with it. I realize that there's a lot of..."
"Michelle's communication skills are topnotch and she's very easy to work with. Most impressive musically, to me, is her intuitive way with stacked harmonies, which add sparkle and distinction to my arrangements that e..."
"He did a great job on this mix. I had problems sending files and he was patient and worked with me to make it happen. Mix sounds big and alive. I will be sending him more tracks. Thank You"
"Candela is a star, she always sings my tracks the way i want it, and then she adds some genius ideas of her own so that the result is just like i wanted it and still far better than i could imagine. I recommend anyone..."
"James did a great final mix for the song he recorded for me (a very talented musician/singer). Really puts his heart into your song and makes it shine. Very patent and dedicated. Would very highly recommend James. "
"Worked fast, understood my vision, and performed well. Would recommend to anyone."