Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ana Lete
Just listen to my portfolio reel; a sound is worth a thousand words, and my work speaks for itself.
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Love Yourself.
I have Mastered the art of fusing new school innovations with the soulfulness of old!
Hi friends! I’m a singer/songwriter with a decade-long experience, my writing styles are mostly Pop, Indie and R&B. My main strengths are deep writing, catchy choruses and moving c-parts. I can write you anything from Adele to Britney Spears and anything in-between, try me! Or if you need an Alto\mezzo-Soprano singer, i’m your gal.
I’m a producer/ engineer from Los Angeles, CA. In 2020 I received my first gold record for engineering. This year I also gained over 2 million streams on my releases.
Nigerian singer and rapperNigerian
I do my job well and fast
Entertainment contents provider for ethical and creativity base business minds Professional billboard charting Songwriter, Lyricist & Scriptwriter
Soy un ingeniero de audio con mucha experiencia en la creación de ritmos, mezclo y masterizo gran cantidad de discos y proyectos audivisuales para cine y Tv. He trabajado para grandes compañías como: A3 Media, RTVE, Bobina Verde, Factoría de Ruidos, Premios Goya... Artistas como: Jesuly, Jarriel, ADS Kru, Pishón, Maikel...
Recent Successes
"I approached Ty for vocals on a rock song. He's very easy to work with and responds quickly. I look forward to working with him again in the future."
"Jason's tracks were flawless. No editing was necessary and mixing them was a breeze. Great feeling and movement. Highly recommended."
"An excelent job has been done by Nicholas again! Thanks a lot! "
"Working with Myah is always a great experience and very inspiring. I like her intuition for sensitive lyrics and melodic hooks!"
"Another great tune by SOOTHSAYER"
"It's been a pleasure to work with Ken. He managed to bring my song with his mix to a new level. He's been very sensitive to my artistic vision and surprised me with little tweaks here and there that really worked well..."
"Brittney has an awesome voice and is super fast and professional to work with, definitely would love to work with her again! "
"Maisie is the beeezneeez - 3rd ? Maybe 4th project - no doubt more to come ! "
"The best!!! Patient, knowledgeable, and a great guide! "