Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with AMFG
I'll mix your song and take it to the industry standard level. Bringing to life your vision of the song.
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mixing, mastering engineer, and music producer over 7 years of experience in audio & music production. I've worked with multinational clients in variety of music genres.
I am a Mixing engineer working in San Antonio and Austin, Texas with experience in genres ranging from Hip-Hop/R&B to Rock. My primary goal in mixing is to remember I work for YOU, the artist, and that my job is to represent your sound and style in its best possible form.
Hello, I'm Steve a producer and professional musician with 15+ years of performance and recording experience and 10 years of music production experience. I have a Masters' degree in jazz guitar performance from the New England Conservatory of Music and have performed on stages from the Kennedy Center to the Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland.
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My name is Kyee , I am a professional stylistic vocalist known for my skilled warmth vocals, texture and versatility. From Opening up for Erykah Badu, to all types of studio sessions;I pour my heart and soul into all of my creative works with fun. Authentically creating feel & connection. I live to create and do it while living in Dallas Tx and La.
Hybrid, alternate, finger picking expertise. Any style - electric or acoustic
I share your love for music, I would love to join your journey, I have been creating music for the last 10 years!!
Mixing and mastering with premium UAD plugins. Look for me on Spotify!
Recent Successes
"Joe is a pro! He nailed it. Outstanding creativity, writing and performance and Joe was really great to work with. Will definitely work with him again!"
"Alou is amazing, first very fast communication! He also understood very clear the instructions, making all the revisions i asked in a great turnaround and top quality!Will work with him again!"
"Everybody associated with Club Noir literally told me to tell Ariel "We love you Ariel"--his mixes are so good. He works hard, is humble, and has never complained once (and we're about as picky as you get--although I ..."
"Thomas is super quick and gave me exactly what I needed and responded + worked in the exact way I would have hoped for from a provider! Thanks again man! "
"Great to work with once again! Top tier artist! Highly recommended! "
"Fred's communication was kind and I was impressed with his speed of work. It produced a great mastering sound from a not so glossy mix file. Fred will be my choice for future song works. Thank you."
"Fantastic working with Gekko. Will continue to do further projects."