Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Alien Swirling Saucers
I am a media composer, producer and mix engineer based in Los Angeles, CA. My approach to scoring and producing is defined by my love for sound manipulation/experimentation with new genres and orchestral music. Clients include: Walt Disney Animation, Walt Disney Imagineering, Pixar Animation Studios, HBO, Univision.
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I'm gloriously addicted to listening. Sharing that addiction is just what flows afterwards. I'm dedicated to making sonic reality a dimension of life people experience deeply through acoustic design, building sound technology, and music. Perhaps it's convenient but I'm convinced this addiction can better the world.
Producer Musical, Master Guitar and Theory. Begins studying at Dick Grove School of Music at SACAM.
Mastering Valencia is the personal project of Rafael Adriá, who has since 2000 devoted himself to mastering. We`re over 15 years mastering and have carried out hundreds of proyects; ensuring a broad experience and professionalism. Valencia Mastering offers high quality at an affordable price in Valencia and through our mastering service online.
Send me your tracks for guitar and vocal recording and production. I graduated from Berklee College of Music majoring in Guitar and Songwriting and have vast experience in the recording and performance world as a singer and guitarist. I have performed at such gigs as Lollapalooza, Fenway Park, Jimmy Page concert in Boston, etc.
I work, produce master and publish techno music since 2016 in the underground UK techno scene
Classic vibe bass tracks.
I am a 16-year-old Mexican producer, I have been producing professionally for 6 years, I have studies at a prestigious music production school called "El Bedroom". So you're looking for someone to produce your song or mix it, I'm the one.
Hello! I am Seb and I have been working as a sound engineer for more than 10 years, sharing studio experience with some of the most important sound engineers ever. I will mix and master your song/album to a radio/streaming release level, shaping the perfect sounds that enhance your music’s quality giving it a new life!
Recent Successes
"I have to Cc is incredibly amazing we will continue to amazing things together, she is a super talent..."
"Outstanding professional everytime, my goto for excellent work!!"
"I am doing every song with Camilo now and having a fantastic experience. We do nothing - It just happens - Due to perfect coordination, open discussion, and good understanding. Looking forward for more tracks with Cam..."
"Expert producer and visionary ... collaboration with him is exemplary!"
"Thank you so much Isabelle for being so helpful and taking such initiative! You are a person who takes great creative pride in anything you do.. I look forward to working with you on our future project You will I’..."
"F’n AMAZING!! Shy just took me into another dimension! Absolutely stunning skill and creatively he blew my mind! Shy added such texture and dimension, cementing the two worlds of the verse and chorus that blend so per..."
"Kuyano works hard!! You will not be disappointed. He gave my song the final polish I was looking for and hit all my notes on target. Big recommend."