Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Alegroe
I'm a music producer specializing in crafting dynamic and compelling soundscapes within Electronic Dance Music. With over 8 years of experience in the industry, I've had the privilege of working with different artists and venues. What sets me apart is my focus on composition, melodic structure, and sound design.
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British vocalist & singer songwriter based between Paris and London.
My name is Esther Ben Daoud, and I'm a musician/songwriter based in Paris. My speciality are piano, vintage keys (rhodes, clavinet, wurlitzer and hammond), and strings arrangement Looking forward to work with you !
I make very unique experimental trap/hip hop beats that are something to jam to, keeping my style fresh everyday to keep up with demand. If you're just starting out rapping/singing, or have been in this business for a while, I will be a great asset to move you up further in the music industry.
hi, i will be glad to help you with your track, check out my instagram telegram watsapp +79817148842
My mission is to get your music out into the world sounding the way it does in your head. Want a kickass rock or metal mix? Maybe a lo-fi beat for studying? Or even a lyric video to promote your new track? Get it from 3rd Age Studios! I offer a FREE sample for anyone interested in working with me!
Hitting the internet in 2017, fabrice already had his name featured on Billboard and charted #1 in less than 2 hours on an Album release. Working with Nashville based singer-songwriter CHLSY on her "Daydream" EP, right before collaborating with Bass House pioneer Jauz on the two-step smash "Eager" the year after.
I learned from and worked alongside some of the music industries leading producers and song writers . If you’re looking to start your music careers , polish up a record , need help writing lyrics and melodies or finding your sound I can help. I also write jingles and commercials and can help with creating visuals for your project as well
Welcome to RedLab Studio! I'm Billy Jeanz and I'm going to lift your track to the next level using high-end analog and digital equipment and give a rich competitive sound to your music!
Recent Successes
"Summer is a fantastic and versatile singer and she clobbered this song! Will be in touch for more!"
"Ben is a super talent! Really easy to work with, always making the best out of everything and sings like a super star! I can highly recommend Ben for both songwriting and singing!!"
"I’ve been working with Mark for over a year now, his talents never cease to amaze me. He has a great ear for what a song needs. I don’t know why he’s not famous yet. "
"Expander did an amazing job with my mix. Was the second time working with him and I will be happy to get more masters done here in future. Master has so much life, energy and the punch that I needed. There was a fe..."
"Dennis is fantastic. Huge pocket. Amazing tone and taste. Totally musical and about the song. Wow."
"An amazing talent for mixing and producing your songs. The most professional service and incredible accuracy when it comes to mixing and receiving your revision notes. Friendly, easy process with fantastic results,..."
"Another great mix! "
"For us music composer, each song is our own life. To me, each song is my child. I as a parent, get each one of them to be ready for traveling the world by putting them clothes and shoes and caps. And once, each one ..."