Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with AkZeNT
My name is Luis and I make music under the alias "AkZeNT" - I have over 2500+ instrumentals made ranging from hip-hop, trap, rock, pop, and other genres and over 170+ published records. I love music with a burning passion and hope to give you the best of me to elevate your artistry! My mixing and mastering focus is on pop, trap. and hip-hop.
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The beat is what drives a song and can make it or break. Lets work together to get your Song or Project to sound Great!
Professional Drum Tracks for Songwriters, Musicians and Producer. Remote Drum Recording Service
I'm a versatile producer who has already worked with artists like Mousse T. (Grammy-Nominee), Mr. Belt & Wezol (Spinnin' Records Legends) or Louis III. Let's get to work! :)
My name is Luis and I make music under the alias "AkZeNT" - I have over 2500+ instrumentals made ranging from hip-hop, trap, rock, pop, and other genres and over 170+ published records. I love music with a burning passion and hope to give you the best of me to elevate your artistry! My mixing and mastering focus is on pop, trap. and hip-hop.
Award winning songwriter and vocalist Claudia Robin Gunn offers her harmonic skills to add warmth and depth to your next project - 3 to 4 part harmonies and backing vocals as a speciality
My talent is compositions on various topics. I am a lyricist by nature and I always accompany the guitar to do my professional work and bring you the best songs.
I am here to help you create beautiful melodies and beats to just about any style of electronic music that you can think of!
Recent Successes
"She is the greatest. I give her the idea and she runs with it. Never disappoints!"
"Great Sample WE ARE moving forward with the full track. Chris has a truly grammy-winning voice, maybe with our sog LOL!!!"
"Ramon is an excellent Producer. This is my third time working with him. He made an amazing track that I would be proud of. He is super professional and patient and have an excellent sense of music and arrangement. Tha..."
"Great experience working with Alex! He communicates well, was easy to work with, and has great ideas. Hit all the revisions I asked for, never made me feel rushed, and sent off stems and files in a well-organized way...."
"I love working with Jake! The guy literally never fails me . What can I say, I'm a repeat customer. "
"This song is slower and moodier than a lot of the songs I've done recently. I think it developed beautifully. Sometimes I want to take a song in a completely different direction and Riley will keep me on track. I trus..."
"Wow! Working with Marcus is AMAZING! He wrote and recorded to perfection on my song and I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with him! I'm also blown away by how quickly he got this done and his p..."