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A -107 Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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There are many creative people out there, I'm glad to be one of them. Electronic Dance Music, Symphonic Orchestra or Classical. What do you prefer?
* vocal comping and tuning * making tracks * writing top-lines (especially for K-pop)
I can have your music sounding bigger and better than ever before. My knowledge of mixing and personal techniques allows for me to take a track and return it to an artist sounding better than they thought it could. I can give your songs more space, make mixes wider and louder, or just give you a nice clean mix. I guarantee satisfaction.
me gusta mucho producir musica
Producer, Songwriter
I am efficient and improving day by day.
I'm a 'prodigy' coming up into the real world of the music industry with officially qualified certification from the world-renowned SAE Institute of Audio Engineering while completing my bachelors in audio engineering in the mean time. I guarantee satisfaction with the clients through my mixing and mastering skills.
Hello. My name is Atlegang and my artist name is "PMP". I am a part time Music Producer and Mixing Engineer who specializes in producing catchy melodies, spicy chord progressions and Live Drum Recordings
Recent Successes
"John is very professional and the turnaround time is amazing."
"Quick and professional work. Cool vibe. Talented with lyrics and music...he polished my lyrics with some good touches.He made the whole process easy and effortless."
"Was a pleasure working with her. Very professional and great communication. Def recommended! "
"Sara is fantastic!🤩 So easy to work with and so so talanted, in both songwriting and topline with amazing voice on that🤩I recommend to everyone to work with Sara😊"
"I love working with Phil! He has provided B3 parts for several of my songs now, and each time he has provided exactly what the song needed, enhancing each tune in nuanced ways that add beautifully to the songs' textu..."
"I really enjoy working with David. He is motivating, encouraging and has really helped support my music project with his professionalism! "
"Great work from Carlos on our first project. Looking forward for our next one."
"Kristian's bass work is phenomenal. His communication is excellent and he always sends several takes. The hardest part is choosing one because they're all so good. I highly recommend him for any bass work! "