Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with 90's 2000's & Now
New World Dis Order Musik Official
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Hello I am a professional freelance audio engineer from the UK. I am a mixing, mastering engineer and producer. I am also a multi-instrumentalist and composer and am available as a session musician. I have worked with various artists in a variety of different styles and genres.
Do you need session musicians, mixing, or mastering? I've got you covered. I'll add life to your songs with professionally engineered acoustic drums, acoustic and electric guitars, bass, keys, synths, and vocals. No corners are cut as we work with you and take pride in providing top-level tracks.
I offer vocal tuning, production, complete song mixing, and mastering that brings the best out of your performance. I've got sync credits on every major platform that has driven streaming numbers for my clients and for myself. (Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, HBO, SHO, NEON, NBC) Google: JDVisionquest3000 to verify. ALSO HEAR JOE/ALY ON SPOTIFY :)
The Brooklyn Lyricsts.
Poetic punchlines. Crazy Melodies. Angelic Voice
Eduhelpersinn.com provides editing & proofreading service.
18 years old learning and producing
As a Music Producer I have release on several Vinyl labels from the UK, France, Germany and Netherlands, I also work as a master engineer on several releases all around the world.
Recent Successes
"Went above & beyond for her part on my track. Looking forward to working with her on future projects."
"Made a topline project with Natalie and she made all the process very simple and fast. It is hard to find good songwriters and she's definitely a good one. "
"Trabajo muy profesional y muy atentos, la respuesta y el trabajo es excelente y mi canción quedó de muy alta calidad, estamos muy agradecidos "
"It's on thing to be a brilliant musician, but Neil showed me another side on this project. Complete class act. He was willing to make changes due to how picky I was being on this one. He nailed it and made me feel wel..."
"Rafael was great to work with. He has a great ear for creating rich soundscapes while maintaining the core energy of track. He is responsive with quick turnaround times and provides appropriate direction and advice wh..."
"Chris was as brilliant & professional as i'd expected... Great communication & a really quick turaround time with Mastering my track, which he took up another level and gave it the final polished sound it deserved."
"I needed help with mastering for an 80s style dance track and I couldn't be happier with the results from John. The tracks sound amazing and I'm so happy they're ready for release now. Thanks for all your help John...."