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71043 Manfredonia Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Record Producer, Mix Engineer, and Entrepreneur
BIG sound! Professional mixing and mastering for your music, 25 years experience, high end use of high end gear. I use, -Pro Tools -BURL full analog summing -Antelope Audio HD with atomic clock digital syncing -SSL Fusion outboard analog processing -All Audioquest clean AC power cabling -All Audioquest Digital cabling -All Mogami analog
I will mix and master your music.
Quality Beats
I will unlock your track's potential to be industry-competitive, professionally finished & club/festival ready.
I make the best 16 bit inspired video game tunes in as little time as possible. I make excellent orchestral video game tunes. I make tunes for TV series, youtube, birthdays, funerals, and tunes just for you to dance around the room to. I'm very enthusiastic about making music and I primarily LOVE what I do - I pour everything I got into every tune
I help up & coming pop, soundtrack, and rock artists take their music to the next level by express their emotions to the fullest extent! With a diverse background in different genres, my goal is to collaborate with and help as many musicians and artists across the world as possible.
I compose and produce Pop, EDM, Cinematic, Ambient and Rock music for Advertising, Backround, TV and Film.
Recent Successes
"Can't remember how many songs I did with Jay so far, but there will be so many more. He always comes up with perfect lyrics."
"Had the pleasure of working together with ALOU, and once again very happy with his services! His insight is very helpful and he immediately comes up with great ideas. I definitely recommend! Thanks ALOU "
"You know that feeling when you hear your favorite song on the radio, and suddenly you realize it is YOUR SONG?? Maria Elisa makes that magic happen. Her vision perfectly aligned to mine, and she gave a sound to it. Yo..."
"Amazing producer/musician/composer. Always delivers quality. Highly recommend."
"There's no way to go wrong with Von from Social Club. Great work as always. Thanks for pitching the acapella and instrumental tracks, I'll definitely add them to the single as a bonus!"
"Reven did an amazing job!"
"Always the best experience working with Mark! For everyone reading through reviews, stop reading, you've found the best right here! "
"A true talent and such a great guy!!"