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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with #6SwissDanceCharts
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Privately-owned recording facility located in the Bronx of New York City; specializes in mixing and mastering services.
Audio engineer of 18 years here - Let's make beautiful music together!
Hi, if you are looking for a professional but not so expensive service, you are probably at the right place. DM me and I'll send you my works. That speaks for everything right :)
Producer, Mixer, Drummer, Percussionist, Composer for Strings-Electronic Scores-Album Strings -- I try to do what I can to contribute as much as possible to every recording. I work in LA, OKC, and Nashville. Me and my production team can work with you and your budget so don't be afraid to ask. Just love to work on great music in the studio!
Fast song writer, fluent in pop, EDM, rock, singer/songwriter, indie.
An Producer/Beatmaker/Sound Designer & Engeneer/Photographer/Digital Designer with 6 years of experience of working alone and collaborating. With one album on the streets, various collaborative projects already made and getting prepared for release.
I'm Andreas, a producer based in Sweden, focused on spaciousness and moods, no matter in which genre. I've been successfully collaborating with artists in Europe and the States, much thanks to the fact that I'm always seeking for future-proof-sounds, while still respecting retro vibes. Also, no sample based stuff, I only work with real instrus.
I will make your song live in its own space.
Recent Successes
"GrisVer is the numero uno! He is quick in delivering projects and he has insane ideas that make the project so much better than it was before! "
"Incredible Price PLUS an INCREDIBLE Producer! Props to ya mate, definitely working with you again! đź‘Ź "
" Ethan is a delight to work with-- communicative and up front about the process-- and handles your song with real care, as if it were his own. Highly recommend"
"Again and again he deliver massive! We are so pleased about the mix and master by Matty! He is very professional in everything he does. Both when it comes to the song but also outside, his messages. Thx Matty for your..."
"I have only praises for G. It is amazing how he can blend technical and emotional through his work. We usually have either or. A very attentive producer who is also an expert adviser about what may or may not work. Th..."
"Great work! Awesome with creating a consistent theme and building a song to match your lyrics and the vibe/energy needed to create an outstanding work,"