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5451 Mill Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I love music with high energy and power. I love working with rap, rock, and EDM! My background with classical performance, multiple rock bands, and DJing EDM has given me a unique insight into what makes the great songs great. With this, I want to bring tracks to a point where people want to hit repeat!
I will make your track, a guaranteed top quality product. You, as a customer, can be safe in the knowledge that your final product is compliant with the highest standards of today's music industry. In the end, that’s what it finally comes down to – the quality behind it all. I look forward to working with you.
I will add magic to your project. Tell me what your vision is and we'll make it happen together.
Hello! I’m an award-winning cellist, trained at the prestigious Vienna Conservatory, specializing in modern techniques on cello and electric cello, and honored to have performed as a soloist at Carnegie Hall, all while producing top-tier music in my professional studio.
Professional academic editing services.
Been playing and making music since 2011, released on several labels, some top #10 beatport accomplishments, track 'Guud Gurls' I made went viral on tiktok, facebook and instagram, millions of streams, etc..
One of the most unique voices of the century.
Recent Successes
"JayyDee is fantastic - definitely recommend! "
"Outstanding quality and very skilled cello performance!"
"Ken was go to work with because of his quick responses turnarounds and good communication."
"Larry is absolutely great! He gave me all the tracks I needed and more. He had tons of great ideas and was great to work with! Thanks, Larry!"
"Lachi is one of the best in soundbetter! always happy with her vocals"
"It was an absolute pleasure to work with Julio César! A Latin-Grammy nominated singer and songwriter, his work is truly outstanding. He took my original song to a current and commercial level by making great instrumen..."
"Excepcional trabajo, 100% recomendado. Con Camilo tu canción estará en las mejores manos!"
"Another amazing track produced with G!! He continues to blow me away with his work & truly knows how to capture my vision "
"Definitely one of the more talented people I've worked with. I didn't even have to say anything, he automatically knew what I was going for with this song. Delivered my exact vision. "
"A real pro, understood very well what my idea of concept was and came up with an brilliant idea who turned out very cool! , and very fast. Continue right away to work with him more making canvas for more songs. Thanks..."