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520 Main St Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I am a Growing Mixing and Recording engineer.
Recording artist in Los Angeles with wide ranging experience from horn sections to motion pictures in any conceivable genre.
-Guitarist -Bassist -Programming -Rapper -Singer -Mastering -Anime Lover
I’m the head engineer of Volume_Unlimited studio. We record mainly country/blues/reggae/rock and grunge/metal bands and artists in North London. The studio is very equipped with digital and analog gears such as tape machine to add something unique to your sound for reasonable price. Due to the changed circumstances we stream live show on request.
Real old skool act. Happy with evetything from tape to DAW..... Responsible for some iconic 80's .... Gary Numan , Go West and others
Hey there, my name is Kaiwen. I'm a Beijing-based singer-songwriter/producer specialized in pop writing and vocal production. Having signed with UMP, I've worked with producers/artists from all over the world and is ready to help take your project to the next level.
Composer, producer, artist, singer, songwriter, soundengeneer, session guitarist
Mixing & Mastering
Recent Successes
"So patient, creative and brought my lyrics to life! :)"
"Fast and excellent communication. Thanks again for doing this quick job for me :)"
"I am very happy with the mix of the song Jeff did for us and look forward to working with him in the future! He went the extra mile to get the sound we were looking for, and we are thrilled with the final result. Thi..."
"Mixing master! Josh has an incredible ear and is always so easy to work with. Highly recommended."
"I reached out to Chris with a co-production task, and he turned the original instrumental into a radio-ready hit. He added a lot of new elements to the song and mixed them with the already existed ones to create the d..."
"Edson is an excellent drummer whose kit sounds great! I asked him to play along with a complicated track in 11/4 time signature, and Edson handled the task perfectly. His playing is extremely clean, heartfelt, and sou..."
"Annie is a really good and patient mixing engineer, top value for money. Will be coming back with more tracks."
"Start a new project with Nacho again! Great art and quality!"
"Awesome vocals, super speedy and very receptive to feedback! Will be a repeat customer :)"
"A third track mastered by Maldo, again very good work with which I am completely satisfied. Fast and efficient work. If you are looking for a professional, do not hesitate to contact him."