Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with 4th Quarter Podcast
Music Producer and Engineer ready to work with you!
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I'm a Sound Recordist / Production Sound Mixer for Documentary, Reality, Commercial and Drama, owning Newfoundland's most comprehensive Location Sound Kit. My work took me around the globe, I am fluent in German and English.
I work in my own studio called Alberia. I've got a 7 year experience of mixing and mastering and 9 year experience in music production. These days I've been working with a vocalist and making commercial pop music. I also produce hip-hop beats. I hope my work is going to make your songs sound better.
Songs I have produced/mixed/mastered have garnered over 1 Billion streams across the internet. As an artist, I understand the intricacies that make a song sound special. In this day and age, standing out is more important than sounding "perfectly polished".
I've worked with everyone from Deji (ComedyShortsGamer) whos first track has well over 18,000,000 Views on Youtue, to my band Return To Rome (last single with 356,000 Streams on Youtube alone, and every genre in between. This is almost a science for me at this point, and obsession i'll bring to your work and anything else you'd like to see fly!
Session and/or live bass work for Frank Ocean, David Byrne, Peter Gabriel, Bullion, Sampha, Orlando Weeks, Hayden Thorpe, Laura Groves, Vegyn, Westerman, and many others. I was the bass player on Frank Ocean's 'Blond' and 'Endless' albums, and I play in his live band. I also played on Hannah Peel's 2021 Mercury Prize nominated album, 'Fir Wave'.
Multiple features on 'New Music Friday' and millions of streams on Spotify// Tik Tok sensation - Bethia (mixed all of her recent releases)// Eva-Lina - Signed Sweedish pop act (NEW MUSIC FRIDAY UK) - Mixed her single 'I Am the Ex Now' //CHINCHILLA - signed to SONY MUSIC - Mixed 'Know No'
I have 25+ years of recording, mixing and production experience. I have numerous technical credits with labels including Geffen, SonyBMG, Polydor, A&M, Nude, Creation, 4AD, Cheeky, One Little Indian and World Circuit.
Recent Successes
"Stephen has been an undeniable asset to every project that I have brought to him. What was a pleasant surprise to me in the beginning, is something I've now grown accustomed to and expect. He is both patient and hard..."
"Andres is amazing!!! he just made my project magical! and the best part is that he guides you through your mix! so fellow mixing engineers who need fresh experienced ears to make sure your mix cuts through mastering, ..."
"mPHATic's graphic skills are high level. He has a great platter for visuals, effects and he uses professional gear. He also studies how different genres use different stlyes for cover art and he studies up on the top ..."
"An excellent experience, front to back. He cares a lot about the music, and really is in touch with the artistic vision. Sounds great, provides great resources for listening, CD reproduction, and is a nice guy. couldn..."
"Abe was awesome to work with. He understood the vision and was able to get the mix there with not too many reviews. Legend bro! Happy with the mix and I will have another track for you soon!"
"Working with Sean was, as usual, a total pleasure. He gave me 5 different bass tracks to work with, all great. He is easy to communicate with and very prompt turning around projects. I can't recommend anyone as a bass..."
"I chose Bailey for a second time because of her excellent tone quality and quick turnaround time. She delivers professional sounding dry stems and superb lyrics every time. "
"Best producer ever! Fast communication, INCREDIBLE quality and creativity, surpassed my expectations far!!!! 5 STARS, cant wait for the next project with elvinho :)"