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468 Cumberland Ave Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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ESQ Audio, offering remote mixing and mastering from a variety of studios in the North-West of England.
Tell me what you need! Let me know how I can help you to put your music to the next level! :) I love my work and can be part of people's dream of recording their songs. From the moment you decide to make your songs, in a way they will be mine as well and I will do my best to surprise you. :)
We are producer and mix & mastering engineers based in Milan with 10 years of production experience, specializing in EDM, Pop music and more. Want to translate your idea into a high-end production ready for Spotify? Let's work on it together!
i make music featuring fresh penis sounds
He is active in a music unit called LamuseR! We have 2 songs available on Youtube.
Music producer from Savannah Ga I Offer Studio Time & Custom Beats Il
Creating powerfull EDM tracks. Worked with artists who released on: Spinnin' Records, STMPD Records, Revealed Recordings and many more!
I'm Topias, aka Topi, a Finland-based producer and sound designer specializing in heavy electronic genres like Drum & Bass, Bass House, and Dubstep. Here to help with mixdowns or mastering.
Recent Successes
"Great voice and good delivery items. With dry and mixed tracks you can edit/test differents variants. Rgds."
"Nice job with my lyrics and instrumental. Responsive to my requests and instructions."
"Brilliant work! Rafael created a remix which definitely will rule every dance floor in the world! I´m so thankful for this excellent sound!!!"
"Another amazing job from Marcelo! he knows how to do a profesional work with your song, added amazing drums and percussion to mine. I will be contacting Marcelo for percs and drums in the future for sure. i highly rec..."
"Another great job by Julian getting my songs to the next level!"
"Incredibly professional. Has a really great way for letting her clients know where she's at with the work which I thought was super helpful too. The turnaround did take longer than expected but due to COVID-19 it was ..."
"I highly recommend Arcobaleno String Quartet. They recorded a piece for me and did a perfect job with it. No revisions were needed and they even delivered two weeks ahead of schedule. A true pleasure to work with. "
"It was great working with Gera and I LOVE the finished result and I'm excited to release it. 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌"
"Fantastic tracks! 10/10 hope to work with James again!"