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38200 Vienne Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I'm a DSP desginer (I create cross-platform audio effects) and I'm also a freelance Audio Engineer with ties to a very high-end studio in the area.
Berklee trained and UK-bred audiophile hunting for legends.
▶ SING : in English and Chinese (Energetic Vocals / Soft Dynamic Vocals) ▶ WRITE : Funk, Pop, Rock, Folk and Ballad Songs ▶ ARRANGE : Funk, Pop, Rock, World, Ethnic-Electronic, Acoustic
I see myself as someone that can make you sound better, solving your problems of not gaining a lot of listeners, followers and people that can call up to you as their favorite music artist, am that engineer that can take you to a very high level, the question is, do you want to become the greatest musician?
Bùi Ngọc Bảo Minh
Dance music producer/mix engineer who specialises in house music. With 25 years experience working with the very best in the industry.
Versatile recording artist with a speciality in plucked strings.
I've been in writing and making songs for 9 years.
Recent Successes
"Excellent service !!! Top job from Jordan, he knew exactly what i wanted and some!!! Very prompt and easy to communicate with. Thank you Jordan Jazzy"
"Great job as always"
"Very talented and high quality service! Also a real pleasure to work with, highly recommend! "
"Jessica is a top-class vocalist, and a great collaborator. Her skills will shine through any piece, and she exudes tremendous talent. Would certainly recommend working with Jessica."
"You gotta check out the track we released, Hey Girl, Darren, is a super star. Vocals are untouchable. Mixing and getting everything right. TOP Talent in this corner with Darren on your side, Your sound will go..."
"Perfect as ALWAYS"
"Great ear and instincts. Going on year 3 of working with Gost."