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28130 Maintenon Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I've played music for more than 10 years, and have been writing and recording my own songs for at least 7 years. In my early high school years I fell in love with music production, especially mixing. I then realized that this is what I want to do for a living, and now here I am.
We are a band from Bolivia We can make the soundtrack of your project www.zionfutbolclub.com
Hey I'm Liana Banks. I'm a Multi Platinum singer/songwriter, Billboard Charter, & Ascap award winner from NYC. I have a unique & compelling vocal tone that has helped place records with many major label artists. I'm skilled in multiple genre's of music + have been called a "Genre-bender" by both billboard & RedBull music.
I will mix your vocals to smoothly fit into any track you prefer
Female Singer, Demo Vocalist
Hi, I’m Illuminine and I create neo-classical ambient soundscapes and melancholic guitar songs.
Hello from Salzburg! I'm Paul Bala, a Music Producer specializing in Mixing and Mastering. With passion and dedication, I can transform simple ideas into release-ready recordings, whether it's the intricacies of mixing or the final touches of mastering.
Recent Successes
"Excellent audio engineering by Kuyano! Not only did he patiently hear and deal with all of our requests, but he tactfully executed them better than we could've hoped for. He also made our track loud and polished as ev..."
"This song was more an AOR straight forward song and as always, Hugo delivers with his playing and ideas 1000%, Thx the next song is in progress my friend"
"Really amazing composer!"
"I can't stress this enough if you guys want your tracks to sound the best then I suggest to go to Chad. He's extremely talented and knows exactly what to do to take your track to the next level. I'm definitely going t..."
"Outstanding, Great passion! Very professional."
"I'm very happy with the turn- out sounds really great, i love it. thanks again DJ Slava for your talent!"
" Agnethe is great to work with. She turned one of my acoustic work tapes into a really cool contemporary indie pop track. She had so many cool ideas we ended up with 2 versions instead of one! As a plus, she's well o..."
"I love working with John, he’s professional, artistic and turns out great work every time on time! "
"Gabe is a prominent producer who is easy to work with, understands your vision fast and goes the extra mile to give advice on your mix. My recent project experience with him was excellent."