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14 Potsdam Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Producer, Composer, Singer, Mix.
This is my song's link- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dAySYDy-t4 or www.deezer.com/track/393329232. You can judge by this song, if you feel its worth it then we can work together.
I've been in the business for 20 years Producing records in the Pop, Rock and Metal Genre, Mixing & Mastering ,Composing Orchestral Midi Mockups , Recording Cover Songs for YouTube. I also offer session musician duties (Guitars, Bass , Keyboards) . I can provide professionally recorded drums by pro session musicians recorded in my studio.
I am here to help you with your Sound Editing Needs! Skills Include: 8 + Years of Audio Engineering Experience! Music Recording Mixing and Mastering Sound Editing/Leveling/EQing/etc. Multiple Plugins and effects (Waves,Apple,Autotune, etc) Proficient in multiple DAW's (Cakewalk Sonar, Logic Pro X, Audacity) Please feel free to contact me
Already played in The Voice as a pianist, I have multiple contacts in Paris. I wrote 3 books on how to play piano.
I produce, mixing, mastering... Let me hear you bro!
Specialization in Curriculum by Berklee College of Music The Art of Music Production
Professional Producer/Enigineer from Charlotte, NC where I've worked with many new talents as well as professional athletes. Brent Faiyaz (RnB), TLE Cinco (Rap), Miles Bridges (NBA), Kennedy Meeks (NBA), Terrell Edmunds (NFL), Terrence Marshall Jr. (NFL). All these professionals trust me with their sound and brand so I hope you will too!
Recent Successes
"Extremely easy to work with, she understood my vision for the part and made it something beautiful. I will absolutely work with Anna again without a doubt."
"An absolute pleasure to work with!"
"The main man for ALL guitars!! Willy is an absolute superstar of the guitar - this man knows his guitars inside and out. Fantastic work yet again... I always love working with Willy, it's always a pleasure!!"
"Jordan is a legend behind his kit. his communication was impeccable and he displayed true patience in getting my project done. If you have any rhythmic qualms, Dont fret just hit up jordan perlson. I promise you wont ..."
"Amazing to work with! brought my lyrics to life beautifully. "
"Nate is an extremely talented producer who I enjoyed working with. Everything was sent back to me very quickly and he is great at communicating. My songs now sound radio ready and it is all thanks to him. "
"Great working with Matt, will definitely be doing it again."
"EV has a beautiful voice. She was very easy to work with and accommodating. Even when she felt that the song and her voice might not be a good match, she still sent us more than enough material to work with. "