Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Арсен Акопян
So bestia, leyg nai naz beper!.. 🦊
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I am a session singer living in Los Angeles. I specialize in American roots and country music, but have done work in many different genres.
Hi! I am a musician and producer living in the north part of sweden. I write and record my own music and I mix & master for others aswell.
Professional and versatile singer/songwriter. I will help bring you finish your song with catchy lyrics.
In years of experience in music production and mixing, i have produced many emerging artists. I am available for taking on new work and build up ideas at higher level.
Handled mixing & mastering for debut EP "TARI" and also studio projects for Jungle Avenue music band.
Hi, my name is Kevin and I go by the alias 'Eaven', I'm a music producer/composer from France, I play piano and guitar ;) I make Melodic Music, mostly House and DancePop and I try to deliver joy through my music :)
Songwriter, Producer, Violinist
Thanks for clicking in! I'm a gold awarded mixing and mastering engineer from Germany. I worked with artists across many genres like Lord Of The Lost (Dark Rock/Metal), VNV Nation (Synth Pop/Electro), KMFDM (Industrial legends), Swiss & Die Andern (Rap-Punk), Nino D'Angelo (Rock/Schlager) and many more.
Recent Successes
"Jessie and her producer Rob created the BEST foot tapping, head bobbing, and shoulder moving melody for me. I am thrilled with results of this project. I could not be happier. I can't wait to place this music online..."
"Lachi gives a stunning performance and brings the song to a higher level than you imagine it can go."
"Emma is a joy to work with - very professional. She does an awesome job with vocal tuning, timing and any other editing."
"Just finished up the third song of mine which Adam has been involved with. His mastering work was done fast, with great communication, and terrific results. I've come to expect quality from Adam in mixing, mastering..."
"Amazing work from Sara! We did a lot of songs in the past, now I came back after some time to work with her again and gave her less instructions than usually, just a direction that I wanted to go. The result is amazin..."
"Tony is an Amaaaaazing drummer! and a great human being. It's my second time working with him and I'm glad to call him a friend. It's got talent up to the very end of his fingers!! Thank you very much Tony. To me h..."
"This is my second time working with Leo. This time, we went for a modern rock style song and he definitely delivered what I was looking for based on the references I provided. The vocals were well recorded and easy to..."