Vessel & Rakhi Singh

Production | Strings

Vessel & Rakhi Singh on SoundBetter

World class composition, production and string recording, with phenomenal gear.

Vessel/ Seb Gainsborough - Critically acclaimed musician and composer whose music has been used by, amongst others, BMW, Paris and Milan fashion week, Fever Ray, Park Chan-wook (The Handmaiden), Dec Patel (Monkey Man), Netflix (the Sinner), Far Cry 5 and Alexander McQueen. He is also the co-composer of Robert Egger's The Northman.

A highly experienced and fluid musician with a specialisation in eclectically original electronic and contemporary classical music, alongside 20 years of experience working with a vibrant array of sonic languages.

Rakhi Singh - One of the UKs premier violinists, Rakhi is the Co-Founder & Artistic Director of the internationally acclaimed contemporary classical organisation, Manchester Collective. As well as performing globally both as a solo artist and with the Collective, Rakhi is a regular fixture at both Abbey Road and Air studios in London, recording for prominent artists and major film releases.

Services provided include:
Remote recording, part-writing and co-composition, string arrangements, production, sound-design and song mixing.

I'd love to hear about your project. Click the 'Contact' button above to get in touch.


AllMusic verified credits for Vessel
  • Foals
  • Foals
  • Vessel
  • Vessel
  • Vessel
  • Pet Shop Boys
  • Vessel
  • Vessel
  • Vessel
Discogs verified credits for Sebastian Gainsborough
  • Robin Carolan And Sebastian Gainsborough
  • Robin Carolan & Sebastian Gainsborough
  • Liars
  • Vessel (5)
  • Vessel (5)
  • Vessel (5)
  • Asda
  • ASDA
  • Vessel (5)
  • Nebala
  • Rakhi Singh
  • Ossia (2)
  • Nebala
  • Vessel (5) / El Kid
  • Evian Christ
  • Vessel (5)
  • Vessel (5)
  • Evian Christ
  • Vessel (5)
  • Various
  • Asda
  • Various
  • Vessel (5), Immix Ensemble
  • ASDA
  • Vessel (5)
  • Patrick Duff
  • Michael O'Neill (11)
  • Malibu (17)
  • Jabu (3), Daniela Dyson
  • Vessel (5), Rakhi Singh
  • Jabu (3)
  • Jabu (3)
  • Nebala
  • Fever Ray
  • Vessel (5)
  • Vessel (5)
Red Sex by Vessel

Terms Of Service

Flexible, subject to specifics

Gear Highlights
  • Coles 4038
  • Shoeps MK21 pair
  • Earthworks QTC50 pair
  • Sebastian Vuillaume (1860
  • Paris) Violin
  • Jacob Eury (1810) Violin Bow
  • Neve MBT
  • Hendyamps Nuclear Unicorn
  • Rothko Compressor
  • Silver Bullet MKII
  • Thermionic Swift
  • Eurorack modular
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