Is your track not giving people the feels as you hoped it would? Does it need something to take it to the next level? Lush string arrangement? Brass band? A catchy middle-8 leading to a clever key change? Sexy chord inversions?
Primarily people respond to good music. That's music at its bare bones, the actual stuff that you'd write down with dots and lines. People often think they're responding to a lyric but if you put that same lyric over bland music it doesn't have close to the same effect. Try singing Chandelier by Sia over two chords and a Bob Dylan-style mumbled vocal delivery and you'll see what I mean. The song is arresting because it is musically brilliant, not because of its lyrical sentiment.
Send me your song. Let's discuss what way you hope it could change for the better. Of course, any artist is going to be precious about their work and I am not going to rip it apart and expect you to embrace every change. Let's sit down with the chords, see if we can bring them to life, discuss phrase lengths, see if they can be varied (so many boring blocky songs where every phrase is 4 bars long!), distill your chorus to its most emotive and memorable element, using the cut material elsewhere in the song, arrange string or synth parts, simplify your guitar writing to make room for other elements.
Click 'Contact' and let's give people the feels!
I'd love to hear about your project. Click the 'Contact' button above to get in touch.
- Sia
- Hans Zimmer
- Radiohead