Serena Jade


Serena Jade on SoundBetter

Skilled at taking a deep emotional feeling and translating it into words and music. Played guitar for Idina Menzel in Wild the musical. Looking to expand my credits and make music for people at an affordable price range.

I graduated from Berklee College of Music with a major in songwriting and a minor in music technology. I have always had a passion for writing songs and would love to be hired to help your creative vision come to life.
If I'm hired for songwriting lyrics I will beautifully write to whatever I am given. If songwriting for music I will create a professional demo with the music.If songwriting for music and lyrics you will have a wonderful, high quality and emotionally charged demo of guitar and voice. If hired to top-line I will give a high quality vocal recording. If hired for singing or guitar I will play whatever part or idea is needed to complete your unique vision.

Send me an email through 'Contact' button above and I'll get back to you asap.


  • English
  • Spanish

Interview with Serena Jade

  1. Q: If you were on a desert island and could take just 5 pieces of gear, what would they be?

  2. A: 1. My Taylor Acoustic Guitar <3 2. My Ukulele 3. My Childhood Bongos 4. My Tambourine 5. My Singing Bowl I'm guessing this island doesn't have electricity so I gotta unplug and adjust to that sweet, sweet, acoustic island living. Doesn't sound half bad if I throw in a hammock and enough water and food to survive.

  3. Q: How would you describe your style?

  4. A: I have two main sides to my musical style and personality: 1. Sparkly, Playful, Excited 2. Emotional, Intimate, Raw It all blends together and of course there is more variation within each aspect of my musical style but I feel I wind up staying in these two lanes often.

  5. Q: Which artist would you like to work with and why?

  6. A: I would love to work with Chappell Roan because she has a pure authenticity and is deeply connected with all her songs. If we were to sit down to write a song together I feel like we would have a blast.

  7. Q: What's your strongest skill?

  8. A: My strongest skill is turning a loose idea into a strong concept and vision. I love molding the musical clay.

  9. Q: What do you bring to a song?

  10. A: I bring love and passion to every song I work on. By this I mean that I really like to live inside the song. I let the song be my four walls so I can really enter it and bring it to its full expression. Every song is a home to be built and decorated.

  11. Q: What's your typical work process?

  12. A: Every work experience is different but creating a song from conception to it's fully produced form usually boils down to: 1. Connecting with my client/ collaborator and getting to know them and the song they wish to bring forth 2. Dreaming, Envisioning and Playing with the direction given whether on my guitar, with my voice, or in Abelton 3. Once the concept is dialed in I'll do a quick demo and share with whoever I'm working with (If we aren't already working together in the same room haha) 4. If they love it as much as I do I'll go forward with starting to record everything, honoring any tweaks that may be made beforehand 5. As the recording blossoms I'll add whatever other elements the song needs, stopping when it feels full and complete (Sharing with my collaborator any big changes over time to make sure they are still loving it) 6. Once the song is finished, it is mixed and mastered, and then ready to brave the big, wide world!!!

  13. Q: Tell us about a project you worked on you are especially proud of and why. What was your role?

  14. A: I'm really proud of my most recent release! It's an EP called Rainbow Potential and it's a collection of some my favorite songs I've written over the past four years tied into a bow with the theme of that era of my life as well. It was my first larger project where I self-produced and managed all the moving pieces (Spreadsheets were key!). I love how many of my dear friends it included and am so happy with the end product. It'll have a lovely piece of my heart forever.

  15. Q: What are you working on at the moment?

  16. A: I'm currently working on my fun (semi-secret) DJ alter-ego project that includes some electronic tracks that sound like what would happen if you ran my brain through a PC. I'm also working on some other beautiful, whimsical, and more acoustic collaborations with talented friends.

  17. Q: Analog or digital and why?

  18. A: BOTH! I know how to use digital exclusively, but I love the sound of analog recording techniques. I have some friends that work only in analog and it's so wonderful.

  19. Q: What's your 'promise' to your clients?

  20. A: My promise to my clients is to be honest and kind above all else. My promise when it comes to my deliverables is that I will put in my full effort and heart to create something they truly love.

  21. Q: What do you like most about your job?

  22. A: I love that I can open peoples minds with the power of sound and turn someones day around with a song.

Take Up Space By Serena Jade

I was the Songwriter, Guitarist, Vocalist, and Producer in this production

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GenresSounds Like
  • ABBA
  • Mitski
  • Fleetwood Mac
Gear Highlights
  • Fender Stratocaster
  • Gibson Les Paul
  • Vox AC15
More Photos
More SamplesSongwriter, Producer, Guitarist, Vocalist