Mastering is too Expensive. You should be able to get that money back. Guess what IRS will give you it back when you file your taxes. If you earn income from a 9-5 job or your music then you are good to go. Why is this important? Because the IRS needs to know that you are working on a real business not a hobby. I'll tell you how to do this. Easily.
I transitioned from being a musician with a finance degree to becoming an accountant. Now, I help musicians like you make smart business decisions when it comes to mastering services, beats, vocals, domain names, and more. My services are affordable, with a one-time consultation fee of $30. Let’s work together so you can avoid losing money while doing what you love.
1. You should be earning some income from your music (e.g., Spotify or other streaming services).
2. You should be earning as much or more from your job than you’re spending on music-related services.
Tell me about your project and how I can help, through the 'Contact' button above.
- Post EditingAverage price - $50 per track
- Post MixingAverage price - $50 per minute
- Mixing EngineerAverage price - $50 per song
- Mastering EngineerAverage price - $30 per song
2 revisions