Nadine Rey

Altpop&Indie Singer/Songwriter

Nadine Rey on SoundBetter

If you're looking for a soft, melancholic, sometimes obscure vocalist, that loves to harmonize and play around with effects, we might be a match. I also play keys/synths and enjoy co-writing a lot!

My connection to music comes through dance, as I started training classical and modern styles in my childhood. The freedom I have felt in those classes and on stage, was a feeling I couldn't come close to in my "normal" life, which made music my favorite place to escape to. I feel the same when I make music now and luckily got the chance to explore my voice after graduating high school. I learned choral singing and chanson in acting school where I graduated in 2017. Acting-methods and voice training from this time still influence my approach to singing today and have shaped how I perform. I can play basic piano but rely more on my explorative character and curiosity, then on any technical skills. Still my ability is evolving steadily - learning by doing - as since 2018 I sing, play and write in an electronic-indie project, where I also record the keyboard-elements (chords, synth, baselines). We're currently finishing the production of our next EP (some sound examples/snippets below are from there (not mixed yet, but you get an idea)). We often use pedals on the keyboards to create atmospheric sounds and the TC Helicon on vocals to explore less worn-out ways to songwriting and rhythmic singing. I have no solo-works out yet, but am exploring writing in French and German - if that's something you're looking for - and would be delighted to do it in collaboration.

Tell me about your project and how I can help, through the 'Contact' button above.


  • English
  • French
  • German
Tengo Kawana

I was the Singer, Co-Writer, Co-Composer, Instrumentalist in this production

Terms Of Service

Will discuss and fix prices as well as turn-around time when I have an idea of the work-amount.
For vocals only, I take between 50 an 100€. Up to 7 Revisions.

GenresSounds Like
  • Air
  • The xx
  • Agar Agar
Gear Highlights
  • Mic: AKG C414 XL2
  • Synths: Moog Grandmother
  • Nord electro 6D
  • Korg Miniloge XD
  • VoiceFX/Loop: TC Helicon Perform VE
  • InstrumentFX: range of awesome guitar pedals
  • Interface: Orion Studio 2017
More Photos
More SamplesLead- and/or Back-Vocal Singer, Co-Composer, Co-Writer, Keyboard-player