Zac Burns

Pop Producer & Writer

Zac Burns on SoundBetter

I'm a young, passionate, and well-experienced Pop Producer and Singer/Songwriter looking to work with artists who need help bringing their songs to life. I always aim to push the boundaries of "Pop Music" by channeling what feelings sound like and how to channel that in a product. I'll also probably end up being your biggest fan in the process!

Hey there! I am Zac Burns, a 23-year-old Singer/Songwriter/Producer based in New England. Producing music started as a hobby about 10 years ago, and has developed into an obsession since then. I ended up going to school for Music Production but truly found my grounding in the magic of collaboration with other artists. The reality is that everyone has a different story to tell, and by learning about new stories and processes, each musician/creative force builds their toolbox.

I have written and produced 100+ songs for streaming services through my name, as well as local artists, and I am ready to expand that network globally. I'd love to help incision an idea through songwriting and produce it in a way that makes sense to the artist and their brand.

I'd love to hear about your project. Click the 'Contact' button above to get in touch.


  • English
Zac Burns - I Hope

I was the Songwriter, Producer, and Engineer in this production

Terms Of Service

- Limit of 3 revisions
- Additional revisions $25 each

- Flexible revisions (open to writing sessions for better communication)

GenresSounds Like
  • Lauv
  • Jeremy Zucker
  • Valley
Gear Highlights
  • Kali Audio IN5
  • SM7B
  • Mac Mini M2
  • Golden Age Pre73 Jr Preamp
  • Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 4th Gen.
More Photos
More SamplesProduction, Songwriting, Vocals