Hailey Dawn

Pop and Indie Songwriter

Hailey Dawn on SoundBetter

If you want lyrics that tell stories and go deeper than the surface level-- I'm your girl. I have a lifelong passion for songwriting and if you choose me to help on your track, you will receive high quality lyrics that have been thoroughly thought out. Whatever story you are trying to tell, it would be my honor to help you tell it. Let's do this!

My name is Hailey Dawn and I am a 22 year old songwriter from Brooklyn, New York. I have been writing songs for all of my life, and it is my number one passion in life. As an artist myself, I have been the sole writer on all of my songs, and have also assisted numerous other artists in writing their tracks whether it be virtually or in the studio. I understand that I might not have the most flashy song credits compared to other writers on this website, but I can promise you this-- if you choose to work with me, I will put the same passion towards writing your music as I would my own, and I have the TIME to do it. You will not receive a rush job with half realized lyrics from me-- I'm too much of a perfectionist for that :) If you want to hear a sampling of my work, please refer to to the attached Spotify playlist or look up my music ('Hailey Dawn' on all streaming services). In your message be sure to include details-- songs are precious beautiful things and I deeply want to ensure that I am executing your vision in the way that you intend. Whether you want me to write a song for you entirely from scratch or topline a song over an existing track, I got you! Let me meet you where you are. Let's make some music.

Tell me about your project and how I can help, through the 'Contact' button above.

Interview with Hailey Dawn

  1. Q: What's your 'promise' to your clients?


  3. Q: What do you like most about your job?

  4. A: It doesn't feel like a job.

  5. Q: What's the biggest misconception about what you do?

  6. A: It ain't easy.

  7. Q: What questions do you ask prospective clients?

  8. A: What is the concept of your song? What message do you wish to convey? and how can I help?

  9. Q: If you were on a desert island and could take just 5 pieces of gear, what would they be?

  10. A: A piano, a guitar, a pen, a songwriting notebook and a tape recorder.

  11. Q: Can you share one music production tip?

  12. A: If it sounds good, its good. Doesn't matter how you got there! :)

  13. Q: What do you bring to a song?

  14. A: Creativity. I pride myself on being an out of the box thinker when it comes to songwriting.

  15. Q: What's your typical work process?

  16. A: When I'm writing a song, I always start with determining the concept of the song. What is it about? What story am I telling? What message do I wish to convey? Only once I know the answer to those three questions can I begin writing the song.

  17. Q: What other musicians or music production professionals inspire you?

  18. A: I have always been such a big Bruce Springsteen fan. His lyrics cut write through to the heart and soul of the listener and I love that. I'm also very inspired by Sam Fender, Noah Kahan, Chappell Roan, Ethel Cain and Taylor Swift. I do have to admit though-- I really love old music (especially 70s rock). I'm very inspired by retro sounds.

  19. Q: Describe the most common type of work you do for your clients.

  20. A: The most common type of work I do for my clients would be songwriting and top lining services. Songwriter meaning creating a whole song from scratch, and top lining being writing over the top of existing tracks.

school spirit by hailey dawn

I was the vocalist and songwriter in this production

Terms Of Service

Typical turn around time= 1 week
Revisions= Unlimited (*within reason)
No in person sessions, remote only

GenresSounds Like
  • Ethel Cain
  • Chappell Roan
  • Taylor Swift
More Photos
More SamplesI wrote and sang on all of these tracks