Aydan Kirk

Remote mixing/mastering

Aydan Kirk on SoundBetter

I specialize in transcending your track from good, to great. I love helping execute the creative vision of individual artists, to make something they're even more proud of.

I deal primarily in rock, indie, indie pop, house, and industrial. I am adept at mixing, mastering, and I play guitar and bass as well.
I've been in a few bands, each of which i have played gigs for, so I understand the need for the crispest and cleanest studio recordings possible.
I'm something of an audio freak, I will do everything in my power to make the best sounding version of your track as humanly possible.

Send me an email through 'Contact' button above and I'll get back to you asap.


  • English

Interview with Aydan Kirk

  1. Q: Tell us about a project you worked on you are especially proud of and why. What was your role?

  2. A: I think my best work has been when I went solo. An upcoming album of mine I am extremely excited for, and proud of. I did DIY on the entirely of the album.

  3. Q: What are you working on at the moment?

  4. A: At the moment I'm building a discography of industrial songs for my personal songs I create.

  5. Q: Is there anyone on SoundBetter you know and would recommend to your clients?

  6. A: I'm relatively new to SoundBetter, so that'd be a bridge I cross when I get to it!

  7. Q: Analog or digital and why?

  8. A: I think they both serve their purposes. I love the raw tone of analog distorted guitars, but also prefer the cleaner and crisper sounds of digital synths.

  9. Q: What's your 'promise' to your clients?

  10. A: My promise is to deliver a song that you can be proud of, and excited to release and show your friends, family, and the world.

  11. Q: What do you like most about your job?

  12. A: Meeting new and wildly different characters. Folk metal exists, and I would've never known that had I not started producing.

  13. Q: What questions do customers most commonly ask you? What's your answer?

  14. A: You sit at a computer all day? Yes, I do. And it is super rewarding getting paid for helping people achieve a vision, listening to new music, and hanging out with my cat.

  15. Q: What's the biggest misconception about what you do?

  16. A: Producers just press a couple of buttons and voila! It's done. Some tracks can take a lot of time and effort due to a variety of factors, but some are relatively easy as well.

  17. Q: What questions do you ask prospective clients?

  18. A: What is the moment in your life that made you realize you wanted to make music?

  19. Q: What advice do you have for a customer looking to hire a provider like you?

  20. A: Go with whomever best aligns with your vision, and is comfortable working with you, not against you. Some people end up overtaking the song and drastically changing it, which isn't the point of production.

  21. Q: If you were on a desert island and could take just 5 pieces of gear, what would they be?

  22. A: Acoustic guitar, acoustic bass, cajon, banjo, and harmonica. A desert island would be the perfect setting for a folk jam.

  23. Q: What was your career path? How long have you been doing this?

  24. A: I used to work as a manager at a pizza place for 5 years. Now I primarily deal in the gig economy.

  25. Q: How would you describe your style?

  26. A: Eccentric. I am always looking for new and interesting things to add to the mix, to make it POP and stand out.

  27. Q: Which artist would you like to work with and why?

  28. A: Childish Gambino once again. The man is a genius. I'd love to get to know his creative process and how he approaches music.

  29. Q: Can you share one music production tip?

  30. A: In my eyes, a producer's role is to make changes to a song to make it the best version of itself it can be, while sticking as closely to the artist's vision as possible.

  31. Q: What type of music do you usually work on?

  32. A: Rock, primarily. Though recently I have found myself working much more with EDM, House, and Trance.

  33. Q: What's your strongest skill?

  34. A: Attention to detail. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, so I will make sure every possible knob you can think of is tuned down to the decimal.

  35. Q: What do you bring to a song?

  36. A: Cohesion and clarity are a couple of things I bring. I've turned muddled songs into crisp and dynamic songs, that you would've never guessed hadn't always sounded like that.

  37. Q: What's your typical work process?

  38. A: Listen to the song on repeat a few times, pick out what instruments or parts could pop more, or lay back. The entire idea behind my process is providing clarity for each individual part, and giving them room to shine.

  39. Q: Tell us about your studio setup.

  40. A: I have a pretty minimal setup, laptop, daw, and the focusrite w/ speakers and headphones. It isn't much, but the tracks I've made would make one believe I did it in a huge professional studio.

  41. Q: What other musicians or music production professionals inspire you?

  42. A: Childish Gambino for sure. There's an insane amount of variety in his sound, and eccentric esque parts to his music.

  43. Q: Describe the most common type of work you do for your clients.

  44. A: Mixing and mastering of tracks is the most common work I do.

GenresSounds Like
  • Nine Inch Nails
  • Marilyn Manson
  • The Strokes
Gear Highlights
  • Fender Duo Sonic HS
  • Studio One Professional
  • Focusrite Scarlett
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