Damon Tedesco

Scoring Mixer / Engineer

Damon Tedesco on SoundBetter

Credits include Family Guy, American Dad, Inside Out 2, Looney Tunes and Animaniacs.

You have composed a score. Now take a well-deserved break and relax while I mix your cues. Simply send me your Pro Tools sessions or audio files. I will mix them and send you a full mix (plus stems if needed!)

I have been involved in music scoring in Los Angeles for over 25 years. I am a specialist in recording and mixing orchestras from all across the world. My recent credits include Family Guy, American Dad, Inside Out 2, Looney Tunes and Animaniacs. Feel free to reach out to me and discuss your project needs!

Send me an email through 'Contact' button above and I'll get back to you asap.


  • English

Interview with Damon Tedesco

  1. Q: Which artist would you like to work with and why?

  2. A: I want to record for John Williams. No need to ask why!

  3. Q: Can you share one music production tip?

  4. A: Always put a date on your file names. It really helps to know which version is the most current. I like to name them Aug15 or Sept20 with no space between the month and the date. Then you can search your hard drives or archives and not have any other files EVEN if it is the same date.

  5. Q: If you were on a desert island and could take just 5 pieces of gear, what would they be?

  6. A: 1) Sennheiser MKH40 2) Grace Preamps 3) PMC or ATC speakers 4) Laptop 5) Solar power generator. :)

  7. Q: What was your career path? How long have you been doing this?

  8. A: I have been involved in scoring for over 25 years. I spent many years on the Warner Bros Eastwood and Fox Newman scoring stages. I have recorded and mixed hundreds of commercials and lots of TV and Film projects.

  9. Q: How would you describe your style?

  10. A: I would say easy going. I handle stress well and don't break under pressure. I have worked with picky, demanding and sometimes awful clients. Not my favorite work but I usually can deal with them. I fall back on my years of experience.

  11. Q: What type of music do you usually work on?

  12. A: Orchestral music, Jazz, Big Band and vocal projects.

  13. Q: What's your strongest skill?

  14. A: My strongest skill is live mixing orchestras. I work on Family Guy and American Dad and I am recording and live mixing a 5.1 full mix that is printed and used for the final dub. If we record and orchestra from 10 am to noon, then after the session, I am done! No remixing at all. It is done while we track. It is reminiscent of my mentors Al Schmitt, Armin Steiner, Danny Wallin and Shawn Murphy.

  15. Q: What's your typical work process?

  16. A: I like to hear a reference mix of what I am working on. If possible, I like to get the protools session and open it up to hear the quality of the recording. That way I can get an idea of how long a project may take. I like to do a v1 after discussing what is important to the client. Then we can make changes if need and come back with a v2 or v3. I work quickly and really try to get clarity and depth from my orchestral recording and mixes.

  17. Q: Tell us about your studio setup.

  18. A: It is a HDX protools rig with a 48 inch curved screen and a 60 in monitor for picture. I work on lots of tv projects and commercials so it needs to be recallable quickly. It is all in the box mixing now.

  19. Q: What other musicians or music production professionals inspire you?

  20. A: My production professionals that inspire me are usually scoring mixers that I have worked with and respected over the years. Shawn Murphy, Dennis Sands, Armin Steiner, Bobby Fernandez, John Richards are a few of my peers that I enjoy working with.

  21. Q: Describe the most common type of work you do for your clients.

  22. A: Composers hire me to record and mix orchestras. Many times it is a hybrid score combining live elements and electronics. I ask for a copy of the score so I can see what was intended. It really helps to see how dynamics, chord structure and rhythms are working together.

Marino Prozzo, Composer

I was the Mixing Engineer in this production

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I work fast! I can usually turn-around a project in a few days depending on its complexity. I can offer 3 revisions.

Gear Highlights
  • Pro Tools HDX and LOTS of microphones
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