Julieta Guilleron

Vocalist & Songwriter

Julieta Guilleron on SoundBetter

Hey, I'm Julieta Guilleron from Argentina! If you are looking for a female vocalist and songwriter with a similar style to Ariana Grande or Maria Becerra, I can definitely help you! I participated on THE VOICE ARGENTINA, and I graduated with a professional music degree from "Buenos Aires Music School" (EMBA).

I am experienced in all genres, my specialty being Pop, R&B, Latin and EDM. I am available for hire to record vocals, (topline leads, harmonies, adlibs), songwriting (melody and lyrics) and I can also provide vocal arrangements (harmonies, choir).

I work in Logic Pro X, and vocals are recorded on standard home studio quality with a RODE NT1 condenser.
I am detailed and perfectionist, so I like to take my time in every job to make sure every client is happy! I'm also a very versatile artist and can easily adapt my style to the client's preference. Some examples are:

Dark/strong Vocals (Dua Lipa, Rihanna)
Soft tone Vocals (Ariana Grande, Billie Eilish)
Latin (Camila Cabello, Maria Becerra, Rosalía)

- Take into consideration that all vocals are to be unlisted/anonymous unless otherwise agreed upon.
- In case you release the song, I retain 50% of the publishing and 25% of the master (unless otherwise agreed).
- Very accesible pricing! Contact me for it as it depends on the type of production that is needed :)

I'd love to hear about your project. Click the 'Contact' button above and I'll get back to you asap!

I'd love to hear about your project. Click the 'Contact' button above to get in touch.


  • English
  • Spanish

Interview with Julieta Guilleron

  1. Q: What's your strongest skill?

  2. A: My voice and it's range. I can go from low notes like a D3 to a whistle note around D7.

  3. Q: What do you bring to a song?

  4. A: Life, feeling and strong vocals. I've been told I have a particular tone of voice so I love to play around with that, sometimes sounding softer, sometimes stronger, but feeling is always there. I also bring a lot of vocal arrangement ideas along with beautiful melodies.

  5. Q: What's your typical work process?

  6. A: I usually start by coming up with the topline melody, and once I have that sorted out, I send it to my client so we can agree on the vibe and vocal style. If the client likes it, I start to focus on the lyrics, being quite careful with the rhymes and storytelling of the song, and once I have a rough take I send it to the client to approve. Once that's done, I move on to finishing the lyrics and then I record harmonies and ad libs anywhere I believe it's needed. I then deliver the final stems of the vocals, and I also record some extra takes and ideas so the client has more material to choose from.

  7. Q: Tell us about your studio setup.

  8. A: I work with Logic Pro X, and I record my vocals from my home studio, which contains a condenser microphone RODE NT1, the Focusrite Scarlett for sound card, and AKG headphones.

  9. Q: Describe the most common type of work you do for your clients.

  10. A: As a topline writer and singer, I can provide songwriting, vocal recording, vocal tuning, vocal comping, and vocal arrangemente services. I take great care with each production, ensuring every client is fully satisfied! I also ask for vocal references so I can adapt my style to the client's vision and preference for the song.

Juli Guilleron - "a mi lado" and "miss me later"

I was the Singer, Writer, Topliner, Vocal Arranger (on the first song), and also Producer, Recording Engineer, Vocal Editor (on the second song) in this production

Terms Of Service

First 2 revisions are free, typical turn-around time is 1 week, and there is an additional cost for more revisions and rushed orders.
I send extra takes and ideas for the client to edit from.

GenresSounds Like
  • Ariana Grande
  • Dua Lipa
  • Maria Becerra
Gear Highlights
  • RODE NT1
  • Logic Pro X
  • Focusrite Scarlett
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