Thomas Shorthouse

Producer working cross-genre

Thomas Shorthouse on SoundBetter

Constantly pushing for something new, Thomas' work borders on the experimental and commercial. Thomas has worked closely with independent artists such as FID and Solani, producing large bodies of work in a proces that deeply inspires the artists he works with. Most recently, Thomas has completed FID's debut album EGO, to be released March, 2024.

Hello! I'm Thomas Shorthouse, a producer and composer currently based in London.

My work often pulls both from my contemporary classical background and deep love for electronic and pop music, resulting in distinct, and unique projects that feel deeply personal for the artist. My great love in music is experimentation, and if you work with me as a producer, I will often push and pull at your artistic expression, trying to unfold something new that still feels true to you as the artist.

In the past I've worked with independent artists FID and FAE, producing their respective debut singles and projects, and am currently working with artist Solani on their upcoming EP.

Send me an email through 'Contact' button above and I'll get back to you asap.

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Gear Highlights
  • Ableton/Cubase
  • Casette machines
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