Ben Flaneary

Mixing and Mastering

Ben Flaneary on SoundBetter

Low price point! Don't want to break the bank for a killer mix? Look no further. Unlimited free revisions, I won't settle until you're satisfied.

Ben has been a musician since a young age and has dedicated himself to exploring the different avenues of the art and industry. Starting out he was just a typical band kid, then was trained as a percussionist, studied under world class educators, went on to become a professional performer, then on to a percussion instructor. After a few years of teaching percussion and continuing his education on audio and sound, he was given the opportunity to be the audio engineer for the marching band programs he worked for.

From that point, sound and audio really began to speak to him in a different way so he decided to pursue it professionally. Since then, Ben has had the opportunity to work with several artists looking to get their music career started. He has worked on projects online and for local musicians. He works with a wide range of musical genres so any and all artists are welcome.

We all take different paths, alleys and avenues but we all have the same passion. Music. Let's make it shine.

Click the 'Contact' above to get in touch. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Kobi McCoull - Bleeding For You

I was the Producer, Mixing Engineer and Mastering Engineer in this production

Terms Of Service

Unlimited revisions for mixes and masters. Turn-around time is about 1 week. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

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