Pascal - Air Pressure Records

Mixing, Mastering, Guitarist

Pascal - Air Pressure Records on SoundBetter

Hi, I'm Pascal, a certified audio engineer and multi-instrumentalist from Germany. I have a diverse range of influences and interests, mostly from the rock genre, and I'm always eager to dive into new styles and techniques. I play guitar and bass since 2008 and started producing music professionally in 2021, leading into the founding of my company.

I offer mixing & mastering services and will make your songs ready for distribution.
Also, I offer session guitarist and bassist services in order to provide you guitar and bass tracks for your production.

I understand the mixing & mastering engineer profession as
1. understanding the artist's vision by communicating an sharing references, while ...
2. ... translating the artist's needs into the necessary technical steps so that I can ...
3. ... implement them according to modern listening standards

Send me your tracks, and with some revision rounds I will provide you a 48kHz, 24bit WAV file in the end. If you need specifications other than these, just tell me. :)

When mixing, I consider the following steps:
- Technical mixing: levels, EQ, compression, panning, etc.
- Artistic mixing: delay, reverb, saturation, modulation
- If you need it, I can do some tuning as well beforehand

When mastering, I will treat your track with the following techniques:
- Fine tuning of the frequency spectrum using EQs
- Bus compression to make everything stick together
- Loudness to adjust the song to popular standards

See you then and I am looking forward to your messages! :)

Send me a note through the contact button above.


  • English
  • German
Past Tense

I was the Mixing & Mastering Engineer, Guitarist in this production

Terms Of Service

Max. one week turn-around time, two free revisions.

GenresSounds Like
  • Red Hot Chili Peppers
  • Placebo
  • Foo Fighters
Gear Highlights
  • Fender Stratocaster
  • Fender Jazz Bass
More Photos
More SamplesArrangement, Composition, Recording, Editing, Mixing, Mastering