Mateus Borges

Record Producer/Engineer

17 Reviews
Mateus Borges on SoundBetter

Latin Grammy nominee producer coming from Porto Alegre, Brazil. Studied with multi Grammy winning mixer Chris Lord-Alge at the Mix with the Masters and top producer/engineer Kevin Shirley. Mixing engineer of award winning albums in Brazil and lifelong drummer and percussionist.

I'm a musical producer, recording, mixing engineer and owner of a studio called audioFARM Recording Studios. I'm that kind of guy that likes being involved since the birth of a song to the release of it and that's why I take the approach of getting the band into the studio and leaving only when the job is done, full focus, full immersion. I've been a musician my whole life and I like to think like one. My studio is located in a ranch in the country side of Porto Alegre, 25km away from the city noise and other distractions, there I can work the way I love to, without having the need to ever watch the clock. The audioFARM is also a residential studio so musicians coming from anywhere in the world, will have a place to crash just a few yards away from the studio amidst the nature.

I'd love to hear about your project. Click the 'Contact' button above to get in touch.

17 Reviews

Endorse Mateus Borges
  1. Review by Everton Acosta
    by Everton Acosta

    O Mateus é a minha unica indicação com segurança para bandas e músicos que procuram ter a melhor qualidade , é a minha maior referencia em engenharia de áudio. Profissional muito dinâmico assume na plenitude a responsabilidade do projeto ,trabalhos de pesquisa de timbres ,produção impecável e sempre interessado no melhor para seu cliente .

  2. Review by Diego  Dias
    by Diego Dias

    Mateus!! É o meu braço direito em todos os trabalhos de produção que já fiz. Não abro mão de gravar com ele. Profissional de extremo conhecimento técnico, mas o principal é sua incansável busca pela perfeição e paciência nessa busca.

  3. Review by Gabriel Ramires Carvalho
    by Gabriel Ramires Carvalho

    Mateus Borges is a brilliant professional. In the production process, he comes up with a lot of great ideas for the tracks' arrangements. His studio has pretty good equipments, but more important than that, with his vast knowledge of musical production and sound engineering, Mateus makes tracks sound great. We from Ladros recommend him.

  4. Review by Eduardo Rimoli
    by Eduardo Rimoli

    Mateus is a very experienced and skilled professional and he is constantly working to improve his knowledge and acquire more equipments for better results. He always works with passion and knows exactly what has to be done with every song he produces.

  5. Review by Fabricio Beck
    by Fabricio Beck

    Tive o prazer de gravar o 4º álbum de Vera Loca com o Mateus, Foi um aprendizado gigante , tanto que confiamos a ele, a captação, mixagem e masterização do nosso DVD. Sem dúvida um grande profissional! Recomendo!

  6. Review by Luigi Vieira
    by Luigi Vieira

    Great guy, tremendous professional!!!! All of his work is done with such an accuracy, from the tuning of a single drumhead, all the way to pulling out frequencies of a final master!!!! I had a really great time working on a few projects with him, and can strongly recommend all of his recording skills!!!!...

  7. Review by jailson
    by jailson

    Um Grande Produtor e mestre da mixagem! Mateus Borges.

  8. Review by André Lacet
    by André Lacet

    Um dos caras mais dedicados à tudo que está relacionado a produção e engenharia musical. Além de saber muito o que faz, é uma pessoal com uma visão diferenciada do que está acontecendo no mundo. Sempre um prazer trabalhar com o Mateus, diversão garantida! |m|

  9. Review by Ray Z
    by Ray Z

    O Mateus Borges é um maluco! No melhor sentido da palavra! A maneira com que ele absorve, processa e põe em prática as informações que adquire, são difíceis de ser entendidas pelo ser humano normal! Quando me encontro com o Mateus é sempre uma aula, uma troca de experiências, realizações, músicas, filosofia e muita risada. Sou fã! - Ray-Z

  10. Review by Zandu Lipp
    by Zandu Lipp

    Mateus é um grande profissional! Além da qualidade dos trabalhos, tem um enorme caráter! Tamo junto sempre, trocando experiências! Grande abraço, amigo e colega!

  11. Review by Marcel Bittencourt
    by Marcel Bittencourt

    Mateus Borges is a highly qualified music producer and engeneer with whom I had the pleasure of working. With advanced technical knowledge and dedication out of the ordinary, Mateus Borges is a great professional to record an album. A professional full of talent, skill and good taste.

  12. Review by Sarrafo
    by Sarrafo

    A guy who works very well. Wonderful place and their equipment are the best, and a great service. Success!

  13. Review by Fábio Sartori
    by Fábio Sartori

    I studied (recording and mixing engineering) with Mateus years ago.
    He is a great producer and engineer and also, a very good musician. Perfectionist, thorough and always look for the best sound. His knowledge about it is one of the best I know, a person who keeping improving and updating himself.
    Also a great professional and friend !!!

  14. Review by Felipe Grahl
    by Felipe Grahl

    Gravar com o Mateus foi algo extremamente tranquilo. Ele nos abriu um leque de possibilidades de escolhas de timbres e também tempo para acertarmos juntos os arranjos. O alto padrão de qualidade alcançado com ele ajudou a abrir diversas portas para a Skabout. Recomendamos muito!!

  15. Review by Glauco Guimarães
    by Glauco Guimarães

    I work with Mateus since 2009. He is such a great professional and has a large expertise in mixing and mastering process. It's awesome to work with him because of his growth mindset and focus on make the band sounds like a live performance. Overvolt tracks are just great, we are very excited about it.

  16. Review by Carlos A. Bohmer
    by Carlos A. Bohmer

    Pra nós da Banda Vulgar é o Mateus é o `` CARA ´´ ! O Mateus além de auxiliar-nos na gravação com sua super criatividade e bom gosto musical ,ele é extremamente perfeccionista,não deixando escapar nenhum detalhe de tempo,desafinação....etc.Ele consegue tirar o máximo da banda .Estamos plenamente satisfeito com o trabalho dele e vamos repetir !!!

  17. Review by Celso Zanini
    by Celso Zanini

    This is one of the best professionals that I've ever work. On recording he is proactive and competent, full of great ideas to make your music better and take you to another level. We've had a live experience also, and one especially difficult, because it was on a musical play on an alternative space and he did magic to make the sound work just fine

Terms Of Service

I usually allow for one assisted revision and since I work in a hybrid fashion I take around 1 day mixing a song.

Gear Highlights
  • UA 1176
  • UA LA610
  • Manley Massive Passive
  • Neve AMEK Purepath CIB
  • Focusrite ISA428
  • Avalon VT737sp
  • Pro Tools HD 2
  • AVID Analog HD I/O
  • Hand-built API 312 and Pultec EQP1A
  • Neumann Mics
  • AKG Mics
  • Sennheiser Mics
  • AEA Ribbon Mics
  • Manley Mics.
More Photos
  • Latin Grammy nomination.Aug 04, 2014

    Wow, just found out that an album I produced, recorded, mixed and mastered back in 2013 was one of the five albums nominated for the Latin Grammy "Best Brazillian Roots Album". The "Os Serranos Interpretam Sucessos Gaúchos Volume 3" from the legendary southern brazillian band "Os Serranos" was one of the most exciting productions I've been into and I'm really proud and honored of this!