Hi, Welcome to my page. My skill is translating visual emotions into sound to create full immersion. I work under the names Morrison.mp3 // MOR.LOV & I have a house music project named Horsemen with over 2 mil streams. With Morrison.mp3 (FKA Secret Ensemble) I have worked on Film trailers, Tv commercials (BMW, Lexus, Bloomon, Financial times). v
Being part of a bigger picture, adding my talent, hard work and skills to something greater than myself. Something that will entertain people in a multi-spectrum of impulses. Where multiple generations can find common ground, music is one of the most profound art forms we have ever created that barely raises debate on its functionality and necessity in life. Being a part of this, being able to do this myself, helping others doing this work with my skills. Every time I or we finish a project, Ep, or Album I feel so incredibly happy. It is my love and passion.
Ghost productions // co-writing or commercial clients:
Odilliah (ft. Snoopdog) // Young Fashion Gados // CLEAVAGE // BRAM FIDDER // LOIK // Horsemen // FIFA // TALPA // BMW // Bloomon // Financieel dagblad etc. / AJ buitendijk / Martøn Parton // Callibari.show (fwb.agency).
Would love to hear from you. Click the contact button above to get in touch.
- Dutch
- English
Just e-mail me, I love the website but the form and info I can share here is to limited for what I can do for you. I create tailormade music.
- Hans Zimmer
- Daft Punk
- Roli Sea-bord
- Mirco-Korg
- Roland Electric full Drum-Kit
- Bm50 2x
- FOCAL TWIN SHAPE speakers.
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