I am the ANSWER to all of your LOW-END NEEDS! If you have ever wondered what your song needed from a "bass standpoint", connecting with me will ensure the following: Genre Versatility, a "live feel", quality sound and tone, a range of Simple, Driving basslines to Melodic, Colorful Bass lines, and so much more. Let's connect!
My name is Devron Ard. I am originally from Memphis,TN. I currently reside in Atlanta,GA. I have over 17 years of bass expertise. Also, I have a B.A. I Music Peformance with a Concentration in Double(Upright) Bass.
My musical background has a wide range of knowledge and exposure of many popular genres today such as: pop, jazz, r&b, gospel, blues, and many more.
I am looking forward to working and connecting with you to provide quality bass lines to satisfy all of your artistic desires.
Click the 'Contact' above to get in touch. Looking forward to hearing from you.