Soy guitarrista con 10 años de experiencia en shows en directo , tocando pop, rock, reggae, en bandas de covers y tributos por ej tributo a Queen - I am a guitarist with 10 years of experience in live shows, playing pop, rock, reggae, in cover bands and tributes for example a tribute to Queen
Me ofrezco como guitarrista de session para estilos como el pop, rock, reggae, funky, blues, tambien podria grabar bajos, trabajo con Fractal Audio FM3 y dispongo de guitarras PRS, GIBSON,FENDER,SHUR -
I offer myself as a session guitarist for styles such as pop, rock, reggae, funky, blues, I could also record basses, I work with Fractal Audio FM3 and I have PRS, GIBSON, FENDER, SHUR guitars
Click the 'Contact' above to get in touch. Looking forward to hearing from you.