Hi, i'am Sound designer living between Slovenia and Germany. Mostly on the way with field recording or electronic equipment, Hi end parts, speakers, etc. Feel free to contact me for any sound or acoustic solutions. More you can find on my never ending page..http://musicsalon.wixsite.com/musicsalon
Possible to record, mix or rent up to 18 channels with Studer 169 & Siemens 1208 (A-Class with nichicon & black gate capacitors)
Mic's; Neuman, Gefell, Lomo, Sennheiser, AKG, Oktava..
Extra Tube & class A Preamps; WSW, Siemens, RFT
Dynamic; Neve, WSW, EMT, Siemens, Federal..
Equalizer/Filter; Klein&Hummel, RFT, Vermona, Siemens..
DAW with Lynx TWO B mastering converter, Powercore (Md5, VSS)
AXON 4XAD converters with Lundahl transformers on analog input
AXON 8XDA converters with UltraAnalog AES20 decoder (less than 40 pico sec. off jitter) & Burr brown PCM1702
SONY SDP1000 Vintage PCM mastering processor with 4band parametric EQ and Dynamic
Powercore (Md5, VSS)
Field recording up to 16 channels with Macbook pro and Metric 2882. Possible to record on quiet locations without electricity
Electricity in studio has own grounding made on 2 x 2000w transformer. Grid is separate for analog gear and digital part of equipment.
Click the 'Contact' above to get in touch. Looking forward to hearing from you.