
I produce music that inspires

Mylo on SoundBetter

Let's make music that'll last for generations! As one of the lead producers at CookCabinATL I've learned that I am able to comfortably push artists to try new things musically. I want to take you to the next level.

I've been crafting my sound for many years. Working with a myriad of artists from singers, to rappers, to poets, and everything in-between. I now know that my sword has been sharpened enough to take my talents from a local level to the next level, that level being you. I'll present to you a sound that will inspire you to try something outside of your comfort zone. Melodies that will challenge you to hit new notes or rap about experiences that you hold close to your heart. Drums that will without a doubt make you bob your head until your neck hurts, and an overall vibe that will allow you to have pure fun with every track that we'll work on together. Every single time that my music is played around other people, I never fail to hear "oh is that you??", or "wow who is that!?" My music turns heads, inspires, and leaves a lasting effect on every listener. Now picture that mixed with your vocals.. A masterpiece. My purpose here is to bring the absolute best out of every artist that I work with and to aid in the musical renaissance that is soon to come. I am excited to work with all of you. There are a few tracks below that you may listen to, to get a scope of my sound. Thank you in advance!

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Interview with Mylo

  1. Q: What other musicians or music production professionals inspire you?

  2. A: Producers like S1, Pharrell Williams, Kanye West, Timbaland, and Kaytranada. Really any producer that creates with the intention to stand as far out as possible while being able to attract a wide audience simultaneously is someone that I am inspired by.

  3. Q: What do you like most about your job?

  4. A: I like that I love it. I love that I can tap into people's emotions and control a room with what I create. I've watched how the vibe of a song can change the entire atmosphere of a room. I love how music can make memories last 10 times longer.

  5. Q: What advice do you have for a customer looking to hire a provider like you?

  6. A: Be yourself, be open minded and willing to possibly try something new!

  7. Q: If you were on a desert island and could take just 5 pieces of gear, what would they be?

  8. A: My laptop, a midi keyboard, a headset, Yamaha's, and a mic.

  9. Q: What was your career path? How long have you been doing this?

  10. A: I have been making music for about 8 years. Most of those years consisted of trial, error, and confusion, but now that I'm a bit older, I have a different respect for what I do, and a better understanding of my value to the world!

  11. Q: How would you describe your style?

  12. A: Experimental/ Dreamy/ Thought Provoking

  13. Q: Which artist would you like to work with and why?

  14. A: I would love to work with Mike Dean. I say this because his melodies are amazing. I love how he can take a stock sound and turn it into something otherworldly. His ability to have a myriad of analogue synths readily available and know how to use them amazes me and that is something that I would love to learn how to do one day. His guitar riffs are always amazing as well.

  15. Q: Can you share one music production tip?

  16. A: The biggest music production tip I could give is to buy/ download sounds that you usually wouldn't use! You never know what you can get out of it. Then take those sounds and manipulate them into how you want them to sound. Sound design is powerful!

  17. Q: What type of music do you usually work on?

  18. A: I usually work on Hip-Hop, RnB, House, or a mixture of all of those together. I listen to all types of music, so naturally, I pull elements from all of that music and make it my own!

  19. Q: What's your strongest skill?

  20. A: My strongest skill is not being afraid to try new things. I'll get ready to make a new beat and ask myself every time "How can I make something that's different than what I made previously?"

  21. Q: What do you bring to a song?

  22. A: I bring individuality and challenge. I always love using sounds that are unorthodox but work. Sometimes when an artist hears my music they love what they're hearing, however, they don't know exactly how to attack the song right away. They may keep the instrumental on tab and come back with written lyrics rather than just a quick freestyle or something. when the artist is done with the song they feel satisfied knowing that they've done something different that they're proud of.

  23. Q: What's your typical work process?

  24. A: My work process is pretty simple. I create based off how I'm feeling overall. I usually don't go in with a plan unless I'm working on something specific. I'll open up my DAW and just start playing with sounds. Sometimes I may feel like flipping a sample. In that case I'll open up Youtube and search through channels that have old/ foreign songs on them, or I might just put my iTunes on shuffle and get ideas from there. If I'm creating something from scratch I'll just start going through different plugins sound-by-sound. From there I just start building something from nothing. I always look at it as similar to making a sculpture. You start from just a block of material and you etch away at it until you have a finished product.

Mikey Iceberg - DND

I was the Producer in this production

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Three revisions included in fee for instrumentals. $50 for each additional revision. Turnaround time on a project-by-project basis.

GenresSounds Like
  • Kanye West
  • Pharrell Williams
  • Travis Scott
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