Andrei Sokolianskii

Music composer

Andrei Sokolianskii on SoundBetter

Related fields we are working in: Movie soundtracks, company events, family events, special occasions e.g., wedding, funeral etc.

Writing music is a whole world!
We will start working with your idea. The idea can be very simple in the form of a small tune of for five seconds or it could be a sample recorded by yourself with any musical instrument. From these point we’ll offer you the best suitable arrangement.
Arrangement process will include suggesting variable rhythm decisions to your tune, e.g., drum section, percussion, rhythm accents etc.
In addition, your tune will be expressed through different instrumental solutions e.g., bass, guitars, violins, cellos, etc.
Even if you need a whole symphony orchestra it could be set up!
Now a bit about me:
My name is Andrei Sokolianskii, i have my own written songs, I’m a guitar player, singing and composing music and I have a team to serve your needs.
Vocal solutions, single guitar (acoustic, electric, bass) recordings.
All musical styles including fusion except for a djent and mathcore and any cultural styles we are not acquainted with.

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