Sebastian Tree

Top Liner/Singer/Songwriter

Sebastian Tree on SoundBetter

Singer / Songwriter / Guitarist / Pianist / Producer... Credits include National Playlists, New Music Friday, Spotify viral TOP 50, New Music Apple Dance, Tiesto Airplay. Can record write vocals and melodies with a quick turnaround. Sync deals with TV Soaps, Sky Sports, BT Sports and many more.

A vocal / loop artist who travels the world singing / performing with an acoustic guitar. Spends a lot of time in the states. Flexible on traveling. Has a studio set up so between contracts is always working on briefs. The track in my profile is a collab I wrote the vocals on which hit national playlist and had support from Tiesto.

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  • English
Kat Krazy

I was the Top Liner in this production

GenresSounds Like
  • Dance Music Now
  • Pop Music
  • The Rock Music
Gear Highlights
  • Shue 7M7B
  • Aston Origin
  • Mac Book Pro
  • ADAM A7x Monitors
  • Native Instruments
  • Fender guitar
  • acoustic guitar
  • piano
  • bass
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