Composer Music Group

Mixing, Editing, Producer

Composer Music Group on SoundBetter

Our work emerges from the moment the idea is born, with a small fragment of lyrics, up to orchestration and mixing, according to your tastes.

Composer Music Group es el sueño de dos productores y una especialista en mercadeo y publicidad: José Luis Páez, Jonathan y Sara Arango, que buscan brindar herramientas y asesorar a los artistas que desean vivir de la música. Nos apasiona la producción y la mezcla de música pop, edm, indie, Nos ubicamos actualmente en Bogota - Colombia.
Cumplimos tus sueños partir del momento en que nace la idea, fragmento de letras, hasta la orquestación y la producción final.
Contáctanos a través del botón verde, estaremos encantados de trabajar en tu idea.

Composer Music Group is the dream of two producers and a specialist in marketing and advertising: José Luis Páez, Jonathan and Sara Arango, who seek to provide tools and advise artists who want to live music. We are passionate about the production and mix of pop music, edm, indie, We are currently located in Bogota - Colombia.
We fulfill your dreams from the moment the idea is born, fragments of letters, to orchestration and final production.
Contact us through the green button, we will be happy to work on your idea.

Click the 'Contact' above to get in touch. Looking forward to hearing from you.


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