Nate Agenbroad

Recording, Mixing

Nate Agenbroad on SoundBetter

A coworker of mine was once asked the definition of the word 'fastidious' and responded "Nate!" I am obsessed with details and often keep working even after the artist says it's good if I think I can make it better.

As a drummer, guitarist, singer, bassist, keyboardist, and occasional cellist, I understand how to get good tone out of a wide range of instruments, whether that's tuning the drums in the tracking room until they match the vibe of the song, or mixing your voice to match the emotion of your performance.

I love helping artists achieve their visions, especially as a recording engineer. If you're in the Lisbon area and need someone to help you get the most out of your studio session, let me know. In addition to 20+ years of experience, I have several good mics (new and vintage) to bring to the studio, as well as high-quality drum cymbals and a drool-worthy snare.

And, perhaps most important, if I don't think I'm a good match for what you're trying to do, I will tell you so. You only get one chance to put your songs out into the world; as a songwriter I get that. If I don't think I can get you where you want to go, I'll encourage you to find an engineer who can.

Anyway, thanks for reading! Feel free to drop me a line if you have questions.


Would love to hear from you. Click the contact button above to get in touch.

Gear Highlights
  • UA Apollo x6 interface
  • Heritage Audio HA-73 preamps
  • Manley ELOP+ Compressor/Limiter
  • BURL Bomber ADC
  • Neuman monitors
  • a stupid amount of UAD plugins
More Photos
More SamplesRecording, mixing, drums (tracks 1, 2, 4, 7), pedal steel (tracks 2, 8)