Top Quality Mastering, spanning across all genres. Utilizing an accumulated eight years of studying at Fullsail University and working in the field, I've got all the tools needed to add the clarity to your music that you need. Capable of pulling off mastering of any genre, nuanced detail matters to me.
Mastering Engineer
From the ground up, I've built a studio especially tailored for the best possible sound. No attention to acoustic detail was spared, and I've accumulated a large amount of expensive gear and plugins to tackle any task.
I can master any genre of music. I can also take any finished mix, make it radio-ready, and even improve the song's original mixing in the master.
-Gear List:
Prism Sound AD/DA Converters
Tegeler Audio Creme Stereo Bus Compressor and EQ
Studer A812 Mk.1 Tape Machine
Bettermaker Mastering Limiter
Elysia Museq
Fairchild 670
Tierra Gravity VCA Compressor
Gyraf G24 Passive Aggressive Compressor
Console 1
Would love to hear from you. Click the contact button above to get in touch.

- Mastering EngineerAverage price - $30 per song
Turn around time Mastering: 1 - 4 days. Up to 2 free revisions per master, and an additional $10 per revision (Max: 2 additional revisions).
- Prism Sound AD/DA Converters
- Tegeler Audio Creme
- Studer A812 Mk.1 Tape Machine
- Bettermaker Mastering Limiter
- Elysia Museq
- Fairchild 670
- Tierra Gravity VCA Compressor
- Gyraf G24 Passive Aggressive Compressor
- Console 1