Otero Studios

Mixing & Mastering

Otero Studios on SoundBetter

We can mix and master your music better for a fraction of the cost.

Otero Studios is an audio mastering, mixing, recording, and producing company designed to master and mix your music for extremely reasonable prices. We are affordable, yet professional, designed to help individual recording artists and independent record labels that need superior quality mastering, mixing, and production for a practical price, yet industry standard quality. Our audio engineers can work with any kind of music, whether it's rap, rock, hip-hop, metal, classical, country, techno- you name it, we can perfect it . Regardless of your project needs, we will make your music sound better than you could ever have imagined, and STILL be able to pay your months rent.
Unlike most other mastering companies, we do NOT stick your mix through presets! We carefully analyze and personally work with your music until each song is to its maximum potential.

Click the 'Contact' above to get in touch. Looking forward to hearing from you.

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