Need someone to work with on a regular basis producing songs written have lyrics and good sound musical knowledge and a voice to match
Looking for a producer to work with on a regular basis macy is young and has a fantastic vocal she has started to write her own material and has five songs written music to two she has a good understanding of music both practically and in theory plays piano and trombone and sings got to the voice kids trained by Annabel Williams from X factor and bgt looking to produce EP and then Album , making a music video and have found a fab guy to work with on that looking for a good solid working relationship to help macy go forward
Additional info:
The vocals will be used in a commercial release. I need someone to help with the entire song-making process - writing, arrangement, creating background music/beat, other instrumentation, mixing and mastering. Check out what I uploaded. I'm not sure yet if I'd prefer ‘work for hire' or am open to sharing publishing. Can you quote for both situations please?. I'm an independent artist not affiliated with a record label.
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