Need a producer for recorded electric bass and acoustic drums.

We are preparing to record electric bass and acoustic drums tracks for a post-punk EP (4-5 songs). Before we start to record, we are looking for a dialogue with an experienced producer who would first give us feedback on the technique and quality of our recordings based on sample tracks which we would send (so that we can improve if needed), and would then produce our bass and acoustic drums tracks.

Additional info:
I'll hire a different pro mixer and mastering engineer, for the moment I'm just interested in production. I need live instrumentation added. I don't have a hard deadline for this. I'm an independent artist not affiliated with a record label. I'm looking to hire a very experienced producer. I don't need vocals recorded. I have a song already recorded and want some additional production elements - sound effects, synths, samples, percussion, re-recorded instruments. The lyrics and vocal melody are already written. .