Defining my style

I've been making instrumental tracks for months but don't know how to talk to people about the style/genre. I'm not really on social media and don't have a network of musician friends or colleagues to bounce ideas back and forth. A handfull of the older tracks are on SoundCloud, but I haven't shared a majority of my music. I've been told that the music would be great for podcasts, interstitials, end-credits. Been listening to Warp Records and other EDM since the 90's and have a lot of influence from loop-based artists. Eluvium, Hammock, Stars of the Lid, Julianna Barwick are all recent influences I suppose I'm looking for someone to talk to about my music, processes, and workflows. I'm great at the creative start - getting the sounds out and recorded. I feel I neglect many aspects (drum tracks, effects, overall mastering of any kind), just to 'finish' a song. My end goal isn't to score a record deal, but I think others might like what I make and would like to get more confidence to talk about it. Thanks

Additional info:
The song has less than 10 tracks recorded that need mixing. I don't need the song mastered. The tracks are cleaned, tuned, and and the song is ready to be mixed. . I don't have a hard deadline for this. I'm interested in working with a very experienced mixer. I'm an indie artist.