1 song mixed and mastered

All parts recorded and composed, just looking for a decent mix for about 7 stems and sound replacement as well as creating a real life dynamic feel for 6 midi parts, so no more than 13 tracks in total. MIDI tracks include Drums, Piano and 4 string tracks. we have a deadline of the evening of Wednesday 27th October for this track to be delivered fully mixed and mastered. The genre is pop/soul up beat piano ballad, Adele set fire to the rain vibe. A quote would be great, and are you able to work to this deadline?

Additional info:
The song has somewhere between 10 and 30 tracks recorded that need mixing. I'll need you to master it too if possible. I need the mixer to do some editing, time aligning and vocal tuning before mixing. . I need it by 27 October, 2021. I'm interested in working with a very experienced mixer.