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Martin Merenyi
Mixing & Mastering Engineer$300
Hey Aaron,
Thanks a lot for your enquiry...GËKKØ
Producer, Beat Maker$400
Hi there,
Thanks for the project your enquiry...Panorama Studios
Mastering & Mixing$400
Hi there Aaron,
I got your enquiry... -
Project Status:
Ready For Review
Martin Merenyi
Mixing & Mastering EngineerHi Aaron, Let me know what you think...

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“Years ago I would’ve had to go through many gatekeepers just to get to Mark's management. Thanks to you, I can hear from him in just a few hours. This is just so great.”
“I received a mix from Helik and it is crazyyyyyyy good. As an independent artist from Tanzania to have my song mixed by such a master and a Grammy winner is just incredible”
“I am an extreme perfectionist/control-freak and get nervous handing anything off to another musician. But Brandon is ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC. He’s professional, approachable, and exceeds expectations (and trust me, my expectations are high). Work with him.”
“When I discovered SoundBetter I found everything a producer needs. Thank you.”
“This was my first time hiring a music professional. Was my music good enough? Is it possible to make a great song collaborating online only? Turns out, yes. I am so happy with my choice of producer and with how my song turned out.”
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