Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with TERRY GAJRAJ

 - Vibesman

Live Sound Engineer ,Producer, Host and D.J. for the Island Vibes Show on CKUW 95.9FM Winnipeg. The only Caribbean radio program in central Canada since 1999. Dj Vibesman is just my on air radio id.. More information available on my website. www.islandvibes.org

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 - Paul Grady - Shadow Sound

Owner & Engineer at Shadow Sound. Having 9 years so far working in audio and over 15 a musician I am equally at home in the studio and working a live show. Since opening in 2010, Shadow Sound has seen hundreds of artists through the doors and boasts a well maintained stock of equipment for rehearsal, recording, live and hire needs.

Mix engineer, Producer - Nikhil Suresh Productions

Get the massive sound you've always dreamed of! Online Mixing, Mastering services. We Specialise in heavy music, Metal, Hard Rock, Rock etc.

Multi-Instrumentalist Engineer - Matt Buehner

Recording Engineer and Editor for Through The Roots "Take You There" Album (Top 3 Reggae Albums iTunes), Multi-instrumentalist (Guitar on Playfight's "Mutt" Album, 2014 Temecula Valley International Film Festival’s Audience Choice Award winning band, bass and drums on Kyle Castellani's solo debut and sophmore records, "Pseudoromance", "Lemonade").

Session Guitarist - Sam

I can add colors to your music projects bringing about the best production.

Percussionist - Brian Shankar Adler


Are you seeking a creative drummer, percussionist and composer with a specialty in Indian instruments (tabla and many others), Brian Shankar Adler's work has been described as “profoundly exquisite.” Adler has worked with Bomba de Tiempo, Ballet Hispanico, LA Opera, Guillermo Klein, and been featured in Modern Drummer, DownBeat and NPR.

Mixing Engineer - Kyle Sorensen

Mixing Engineer who goes above and beyond in customer service. Before mixing begins, I offer a FREE consultation where I will open up your song and describe the process of how I would mix your song if you decide to continue building a working relationship with me.

Guitars and Compositions 4 U - Robert Rutle

Music and Electric and Acoustic Guitars Tailored to Your Needs. Studio Recorded and Mixed to suit your Project

Reggae Drummer / Dub Engineer  - Adam Leyva

Real roots reggae drummer and dub engineer. Over 15 years of experience both in the studio and touring. Worked with many top artists, both modern and old.

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