Northeast Minneapolis Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters

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 - PHONO.TONstudio

PHONO.TON | Künstlermanagement PHONO.TON | Label & Vertrieb PHONO.TONstudio | Musikproduktion

Music Production/Engineer - Blue Glass Production


Music as a texture in your heart and mind. Beatmaker, producer, songwriter. Making music that connects to you.

Rock Mastering Engineer - Joey Michel

I am a science and sound freak. Working with singing bowls, binaural beats to achieve the closest reality I can to what is "pure sound". This is derived from how we perceive music and the overtone series. I use this knowledge with saturation, and compression to empathically fill your music with confidence and at the same time pull the listener in.

Full-Service Production Studio - Garden Tiger Studio

Musical duo Amick Cutler and Eric Andrew Taylor bring more than 35 years of collective experience to the industry. With more than 2,000 songs spreading across multiple genres, they bring a new flavor to the mix. We service everything from song-crafting, composition, production, instrumentation and vocal-talent to artwork, design, video and web.

Custom Music Production - David Tilson

Let me produce something unique for you!

Session cimbalom player  - Michal Prochazka

I can play a cimbalom part for you. Cimbalom is an unusual instrument from the Central Europe with very special and unusual sound and that’s why I’m sure even your project would sound unusual and special with this instrument.

Singer, Songwriter, Guitarist - Reva K

I’m a student of popular music and have been actively writing songs for over 12 years. Some of them have garnered high praise from music-industry professionals and ranked as finalists in two national songwriting competitions. Two of my songs have also played on FM and satellite radio.

Composer - Kian Dray

Prolific One Man metal music composer and songwriter based in the run down, deadbeat central suburbs of Medway, Kent, UK.

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